A (K)night of Christmas Cheer/An Xmas Challenge Dec 2003 By: Patty Costantino Summary: The Christmas season is getting geared up, as the Schankes have their annual Christmas party. But unsettling appearances anger Nick, prompting him to move in a different direction with Natalie in regards to their friendship. In production order, this story takes place between Crazy Love/ Partners of the Month and Be My Valentine. Contains: Nick in Santa suit, Natalie in provocative Santa outfit, live reindeer, candy cane used in unusual manner, mistletoe and hot chocolate in same scene. Disclaimer and Characters: Nick, Natalie and crew, and Frank Sinatra's song All the Way by Sammy Cahn/Van Heusen don't belong to me. I'm just borrowing them for a little while. Dedication: I would like to thank Phylis Sullivan for beta-reading this story and always encouraging me to write more. I couldn't have done it without her wonderful suggestions. I would also like to thank KC for creating the challenges and Stacy for archiving the stories and both ladies for creating the page and graphics. Hugs and virtual chocolates. Permission is granted to archive at FKfanfic2, FK FTP archive. This story will be archived under fiction at my site: http:/www.geocities.com/pas_20197/homepage08.html Any constructive criticism or thoughts are greatly appreciated and welcomed at psmoot43@hotmail.com or pas_20197@yahoo.com ************************************* A (K) night of Christmas Cheer By Patty Costantino/psmoot43@hotmail.com Chapter 01/05 ************************************* December 18 The loud, jarring beat of the club's music reverberated in Nick's ears, as he took another long pull on his drink of blood-wine. With incredible restraint, he set it down gingerly, and blew out a frustrated breath. After a moment, he glanced up and caught his incensed reflection through the gilded mirror over the bar. How could she do this? He mused for the hundredth time. How could she act this way? And, at the party, of all places. Just when… All at once, his thoughts were interrupted, as he felt a pair of arms snake around his neck, and heard a silky voice purr into his ear. "Nicolas, what brings you here this evening? And what do you call this…this…" The words broke off as Nick caught the disdainful tone, and turning around, saw eyes sweeping over his attire. Gazing down, he realized with embarrassment that he was still dressed in the same red velvet Santa suit with black belt and boots that he'd been wearing earlier. The white beard and red cap were long since gone, as he dimly recalled discarding them in a fit of anger into someone's lap while beating a hasty retreat from the party. Nick forced a smile. "I was at the Schanke's annual Christmas party, Janette." His voice was slurred as he spoke. "It was a costume party this year." "Oh, and you thought you would play the role of Saint Nick?" Her tone was mocking, her eyes teasing. "How quaint and very droll, mon amour." She untangled her arms from around him and settled beside Nick on a barstool, watching him swallow the rest of his drink. Finally she spoke again, her voice softening this time as she caught his frown. "Was there a Mrs. Saint Nick at the party?" She was met with silence, as she watched his frown deepen. Exasperated, she grabbed his shoulders, and turning him around, forced him to look at her. "Enough Nicolas! I demand to know what's wrong?" Nick pulled out of her grasp and stared at her through glazed amber eyes. "Nothing!" He snapped. "At least nothing for you to concern yourself with. So leave me be!" His gaze moved away from her and down the bar to a dark-haired man cleaning glasses. He raised his empty glass to him. "Another, Miklos." Silence reined again, as Miklos brought another drink over. As soon as he walked away, though, Janette wasted no time, and spoke up again, "Don't tell me there's nothing wrong." She hissed into his ear. "We have no secrets among us, Nicolas. We are bonded through Lacroix. Your moods and emotions will always intertwine with mine. You know that and I know that. And I know something is troubling you very much, mon cher. What is it?" Nick turned again, sad eyes boring into hers. "Alright." He let out a deep breath. "Tonight Natalie and I were scheduled to go to this costume party together when something came up. I had to stay late at the precinct to file a report on a homicide, an alleged husband killing." "Oooo…how delicious!" She exclaimed with mounting anticipation. "Did he deserve it?" "Janette, do you want me to continue?" He glared at her, his voice petulant. She blew out a heavy sigh. "You are such a grind," she said, the excitement in her tone dissolving into dismay. "Go ahead." "I explained to Nat what I had to do, suggesting I'd meet her there. It took me a couple hours to finish and get my costume on." Janette reached over to run her hands over his shoulders, down his arms and across his chest, savoring the feel of the soft velvety texture under her fingers as she spoke, "Ooooo, and such an impressive costume it is!" She drew her hands away, and unconsciously, licked her ruby red lips, swirling her tongue around them. "Janette!" Nick's tone was becoming impatient. "Okay…okay!" She said with mild irritation, forcing her gaze from his body to regard him, and with a slight nod, encouraged him to go on. Staring through the glass of his drink, he went on in a quiet tone, "When I arrived, Nat was no where to be found, until I saw Grimes, another detective and good friend of Schanke's. He told me where she was." "And where was that, mon cher?" "Down the hall, in one of the bedrooms." He told her. There was a trace of dejection in his voice, a doleful look in his eyes. Janette rested her hand on his. "What happened?" "When I got there, two other detectives, Yates and Fellows were coming out. I started to go in and saw her. I saw *them* in the far corner of the room…" His words trailed off and she heard the catch in his throat. Janette leaned in to press her hand gently into his shoulder, and spoke, her voice soft and tender. "Go on." "They didn't see me. I guess the room was too dark, only one light in the other corner was turned on." There was another long pause as he reached for his drink, taking a long pull. In the soft light of the club, Janette saw his jaw clench, when he drew the glass away and slammed it hard against the surface. Her anxious eyes met his rage-filled amber ones. "Easy…Nicolas." She soothed, her black-gloved hand settling over his. "Easy." Nick took a deep breath. "It was Hodges, another detective who works nights." He shrugged and gave her a bitter smile. "Actually, all things considered, he's a pretty decent guy." "Something so rare to find, n'est ce pas?" Janette smirked, trying to lighten the mood. "Janette…" He warned. She sighed again. "Okay, okay, mon amour. Go ahead." Nick went on, "He was leaning over her…" "And?" Janette tightened her hold on his hand. "They were in a close embrace." He said in a hard-to-define voice, but the tremor in his hand and the tightness in his jaw spoke volumes about his state-of-mind. "How close?" She asked gently, pulling his hand into her lap. He spun around to face her, anger flaring. "Close enough!" "Are you sure about this?" Janette pressed his hand to her lips, kissing each finger. "Perhaps it wasn't what you perceived at all. Maybe it was something totally different…" "I know what I saw, Janette." He shot back. "Did they know you were there?" She went on in a soft voice. "No, I left quickly." He turned away to study his half-filled glass. "But what does it matter? Natalie and I… " He faltered, his shoulders sagging in resignation. Janette reached over to rub his back. "Yes, Nicolas?" "Never mind." Nick said, sighing heavily. Janette removed her hand. "Ecoute, Nicolas," she said. "I know about your deep feelings for this mortal woman, not only because of your jealous demonstration here tonight, but I've sensed it in your blood the few times we've been together." Nick twisted around and regarded her with guilt and regret. "Oh Janette…I'm so sorry. I…" "Sssh…" She placed a finger on his mouth, stopping the flow of his words. "I've always known you've had feelings for me, and you've attempted to block any others that you've carried for a woman from me, always trying to be the perpetual gentleman, but you've never been very good at it, my sweet Nicolas." She gave him a wise smile before continuing. "But no matter. What is important now is that you need to talk to your Natalie. Give her a chance to explain. Have you ever told her how you feel?" "No…" He answered, bitterness in his tone. Janette threw her eyes skyward and muttered under her breath, "Oh mon dieu! Les hommes!" Slowly she returned her gaze to his crestfallen face. "If you haven't told her, how can you be angry over her alleged actions tonight? Mortals have needs just as we do." "You don't have to tell me that. I know." He snapped. "Besides, I'm not angry with her, Janette. I'm bitter because we can only *be* friends. I can't have…" "A relationship with her." She finished. "Yes, it is a slight problem." Her expression had become thoughtful. "Slight?!" He returned, incredulous. "I'd say a *huge* problem." "Oh Nicolas…" Her voice caught on a tremor of emotion, as she saw pain flicker across his face. She pressed her hand into his shoulder and watched as he turned back to the bar and gulped down his drink. A second later, he rose, turning towards her. "You were right Janette, if we take these mortal lives seriously, we get hurt. We get…" He choked and before he could turn away, Janette saw a lone blood tear run down his cheek. She reached for him, but he moved too quickly. In a flash, he was gone, disappearing into the crowd and out into the night. ************************************* A (K) night of Christmas Cheer By Patty Costantino/psmoot43@hotmail.com Chapter 02/05 ************************************* With a fierce growl, Nick took to the sky from the Raven's alleyway. Flying low into the wind, he flew fast and furious, trying to dispel the throbbing anguish in his heart, the painful realization that he could never have Natalie, could never share a life with her as long as he was cursed with this jaded existence. He should be happy that she might have found someone who could give her the life she deserved. Hodges was a good guy, someone special, someone who could give her a home, children, a normal life. Not the darkness he could offer her. Suddenly his thoughts were broken, as his eyes swept downward in surprise and he realized where he was. He'd over flown his loft, arriving at Natalie's apartment. Must have been the work of his subconscious that had brought him here, he mused. But as Nick swooped down towards her apartment, he knew that wasn't the true reason. He knew he needed to see her even if it could only be from a short distance away outside her bedroom. Landing on her balcony, he moved silently towards the French doors, as a gentle breeze suddenly stirred. It blew around him for a few seconds, while he stood there, and tried to discern if anyone were home. His answer came a moment later, as his enhanced hearing picked up one steady heartbeat: hers and hers alone. He blew out a relieved breath, one that he hadn't realized he'd been holding. Hodges wasn't with her. But had he taken her home and just left? A thud startled him out of his thoughts, and turning, Nick glanced over in time to catch Natalie dropping her keys beside a purse on the dresser and tossing a red-velvet fitted jacket onto the bed. Inching closer, he noted, not surprisingly, she was dressed in the same Santa outfit he'd seen her wearing at the party. But with Hodges hampering his view earlier, he hadn't been afforded the luxury of taking in the complete assemble and the vision underneath him. And what a vision it was! >From his view on the balcony, Nick saw she was wearing some of the standard accessories one would expect to see on a Santa costume: a red velvet cap with a white snowball on the top, a white furry choker, and red pointed elf boots. But the dress itself! It was a far cry from being something that could be described as ordinary. It was extraordinary! A very short halter-style dress cut narrowly in the front, and open in the back, it exposed the full roundness of her breasts and the lovely curves of her back and bottom. A soft light nearby added to the effect by casting a warm glow over her creamy neckline and coral skin. As Nick's eyes ventured lower, he noticed with a sense of satisfaction the way the red velvet material clung to her body and tapered off around the middle of her thighs, accentuating the contours of her rounded hips and shapely legs. Nick had seen her dressed up before, but tonight, she was positively scrumptious. He took a step forward, eyes being drawn like metal to a magnet, to every little nuance that was Natalie. For at this moment, his world had narrowed to only her. Nick watched intently as she began to undress, kicking off first one boot, then the other before removing the choker from around her neck and the cap from around her head, and placing them on the dresser. A faint sigh drifted up to his ears as he saw her shake her head, sending her mass of unruly curls swirling about her face and shoulders like long, thick ribbons. A stray tendril whispered across her lips, accentuating the voluptuous curve of her mouth. For a moment, Nick's eyes closed as he emitted a soft moan and succumbed to unfilled yearnings, imagining how it would feel to bury himself in the soft texture of her curls, to inhale her intoxicating scent of peppermint and chocolate that aroused his senses whenever she was near, to kiss that sweet mouth, delving into its warm moist depths until he left her shaking with desire, and hungering for more. The mere idea sent a wave of raw desire through his body, causing him to tremble fiercely. The sensation remained for a moment longer, as he took in deep breaths. Finally, as it ebbed away, he opened his eyes, gazing back through the glass in time to see Natalie place her hose in a drawer, and reach over to grab a candy cane from a dish on her dresser. Unwrapping it, she tossed the paper into a wastepaper basket before disappearing into the hall, leaving Nick to lean against the door in a mixture of guilt and displeasure. Deep down, Nick knew that he should leave. He was invading her privacy and playing a dangerous game, igniting desires and kindling feelings inside him that could only result in him hurting her. But, it was as if an invisible force were holding him down, cementing his feet to the ground and he couldn't bring himself to fly away. Instead he pressed his face against the glass, waiting with anticipation for her return. It came a moment later, as she entered with a mug and the candy cane still in her hands. His nostrils flared as he took in the scent: hot chocolate. Her favorite. A smile tugged at his lips, as he drew away from the door, back into the shadows, and watched Natalie move towards the bed, sipping her hot chocolate along the way. Depositing the mug on the bedside table, she lifted the candy cane to her lips, inserting the straight end into her mouth. Nick watched in fascination as she began to suck on it, pressing her mouth hard against the stick, her lips puckering in an almost sensuous way. Then withdrawing it completely from her mouth, she swirled her tongue languidly around the blunt end, only to suck on it long and hard again, a second later. Although he knew it was unintentional, the highly suggestive rhythm and actions made Nick's breath catch in his throat and he found his hand wandering down to the throbbing bulge in his red-velvet pants. For a second, he imagined it was Natalie's mouth there, warm and sensuous, her tongue darting in and out around him, sending him into ecstasy. A low whimper suddenly escaped from his lips as his body jerked in response. Looking over quickly, Nick saw the sudden hesitation in her ministrations, as her face turned towards the French doors, the stick of candy resting securely between her lips. He froze, and swore inwardly, positive he'd given himself away. But, a moment later, she shook her head, and removing the candy cane, placed the straight end into the mug and picked it up. A relieved sigh escaped his lips as he watched her begin to stir the chocolate with the stick, and then removing it, first lick the drippings off, then twirl her tongue around the blunt end. Again, the movements, though unintentional, were very provocative. Another shudder rushed through him and he groaned, but this time more softly. Then looking over quickly, he watched her return the candy cane to the mug and resume her stirring. Finally she stopped, lifted it, and took a sip. She repeated the process a few times, until, at last, she placed it back on the table and turned. Walking towards the dresser again, she paused in mid-stride to raise her arms high above her. With slow deliberation, she stretched, her movements long and languid. It caused the dress to lift up to a dangerous level, exposing more of her smooth thighs and lovely bottom to him. Once again, Nick moaned as another wave coursed through him, and an icy-hot sensation grew in the pit of his stomach. Looking over, he watched as her hands were now reaching around her neck, searching for the hooks on her dress. Finding them, she began to release each one. Nick's mouth went dry, his breath catching in breathless anticipation as he took a step towards the door. He could see the material easing off her skin. Inch by inch, it was descending downward at an agonizingly slow pace. His eyes kept following the descent as his mind began to imagine the final unveiling of heaven itself: her rounded breasts surrounded by creamy, satiny skin…so lush…so succulent…so… A sudden scream broke into his musings and he jumped. Glancing up, he saw her re-clasping the fastenings on her dress before reaching for something and retreating towards the door, leading into the hall. All at once, she stopped. Taking a hesitant step forward, she squinted at him through the glass. "Nick, is that you?" Her voice was laced with a mixture of fear and perplexity. Without hesitation, Nick opened the door. When he entered, he watched her with a sense of regret take a step back from him. "Natalie…I'm sorry…I should have made my presence known. I…" His words faded, his voice catching, as he continued to gaze at her, now with a mixture of contrition and longing. For a long moment, she returned his stare, her expression unreadable, while a flush crept up her face. Then averting her eyes, she turned and moved towards the bureau. Dropping the item she'd been carrying there, she finally spoke, her voice amazingly steady. "How long have you been standing there, Nick?" "The entire time," he admitted reluctantly, as his eyes darted from her to the object now resting on the dresser. Was that what he thought it was? For a second, he smiled inwardly, but the feeling faded quickly as his guilt-ridden eyes shifted back to hers. "The entire time?" She was asking, her voice incredulous. "Yeah, I …wanted to… see you…" He floundered, and as a feeling of shame overtook him, he tore his eyes away from hers once again, this time to study the lint on the carpet. "By peeping at me through the doors?!" Her tone still carried disbelief. "I can't believe you did this, Nick! I trusted you!" He looked up in time to catch her eyes flaring with fury, her chest heaving, her ample bosom rising and falling unsteadily through the material of her dress. God she was beautiful when she got mad, he thought. His eyes wandered over her, pausing to linger on one particular spot. Noting his focus, a scowl flickered across her face. She whipped around, and grabbing her pink bathrobe from a nearby chair, stormed out the door. Nick trailed behind. Nearing the end of the hallway, he caught sight of her sinking into a chair with the bathrobe wrapped tightly around her. Taking a deep breath and then exhaling, he approached tentatively, sinking into another chair opposite from her, careful to maintain his distance. A long silence followed, descending around them like a heavy fog. Finally Nick spoke, his voice filled with self-recrimination. "I know what I did was unthinkable Nat, but I was upset and wanted to see you and talk to you." Natalie turned. "About?" She asked. There was curiosity in her voice, but her eyes were still blazing. "About…the party." He bowed his head for a moment and began to rub one of his thumbs in the palm of his other hand. "What about the party?" Natalie looked at him, now puzzled, her anger suddenly forgotten. Nick looked up. "You and Hodges…" he began, gazing at her intently. "What are you talking about?" Her eyes narrowed, still bewildered. Nick swallowed hard. "I saw you Nat. In the bedroom with Hodges." He took a deep breath. "It's okay…I understand. I'm happy for you. I know after Roger Jameson, it must have been difficult, but…" Natalie held up her hand. "Nick…stop." She paused, as her eyes slowly widened in understanding. "I think I'm beginning to see what's going on here and it certainly explains Schanke's surprised and angry reaction to your sudden departure from the party." She emitted a soft sigh. "So you think you saw something between me and Hodges?" "Think!" He voiced in a sharp tone, his expression darkening. "I know what I saw, Nat." "Oh do you?" She asked derisively, her large blue eyes locking on his. "What exactly did you see?" "Let's just say I saw enough." He replied. There was a trace of regret in his voice and sadness in his eyes. "Nick, what you probably saw was Hodges leaning over me, but nothing happened. Do you understand? Nothing!" She paused to let the words sink in, and watched as the lights from her Christmas tree began casting their colorful glow over his face, capturing his now confused expression. Finally, Natalie went on, her voice soft and gentle. "It was very embarrassing. Somehow, the Christmas tree pin on my jacket had come undone. When Hodges bent over to give me a farewell, *strictly* platonic kiss on the cheek, we got stuck together, his tie becoming hooked with my pin. And that's all there was to it." She looked intently at him. "So you see Nick, you got upset over nothing by jumping to conclusions." A moment went by, as she watched relief spread across his face, and then saw Nick slowly rise and move towards her. Sitting on the couch beside her, he reached slowly for her hand. He drew it into his lap, and began to run his thumb lightly over her knuckles. "I'm sorry Nat," he began, his voice filling with emotion. "When I saw him with you, I thought…" He lifted her hand to brush his lips across her palm and then went on, "You were right. I did jump to conclusions. Janette said the same thing earlier…" He stopped swearing inwardly, as he realized his mistake. The words had seemingly slipped out of their own volition. Natalie wrenched her hand away from his grasp, her eyes flaring again with anger. "Oh really!" She said with sarcasm. "Let me guess. After drawing your own conclusions about me, you went to Janette for comfort?" "It wasn't like that." Nick tried to grab her shoulders, to turn her around, but she was too fast. She sprung up and headed to the nearest window. Turning her back to him, she crossed her arms and squared her shoulders. Nick drew in another deep breath, and exhaled. After a moment, he rose, and moved steadily towards her. Slipping up behind her, he reached out, and placed his hands on her shoulders. He felt her stiffen, but instead of pulling back, he pressed his palms more firmly into her shoulders. "We talked, Nat." He said in a gentle voice. "We only talked. That was all we did." Natalie whirled around to face him. "Oh…I believe you," she snapped. "This time!" On the last words, her eyes flashed him a profound look. He removed his hand from her shoulder and took a step back. "What do you mean?" He drew the words out slowly, flashing her a surprised look. "Oh don't take me for a fool, Nick." She said, her beautiful expressive eyes still boring into his. "We both know that you go to the Raven more often than you need to." "Nat…It's not what you think." Nick said vehemently. His eyes captured hers in a beseeching look, trying to will her to understand. Tears began to form in Natalie's eyes and she averted her eyes downward. "It doesn't matter what I think. It's really none of my business. You have your life and I have mine. And, hey…" She shrugged. "She's a beautiful woman and I'm just…I'm just…" She couldn't finish, as her voice caught and a tear rolled down her face. Nick brought a finger around her chin, forcing her to look at him. "My…. love." He said simply. The words spoken with heart- felt tenderness hung in the air around them, and his eyes full of fathomless devotion, swept over her face with tenderness born from a baby's caress. Nick seized her hand, pulling her towards him. "C'mere." He murmured. At first, there was a slight resistance, as she pulled back, and stared at him, her breath catching on a tremor of emotion. Another tear cascaded down her cheek and he wiped both away, brushing his thumb across her smooth skin. He resumed his tugging, and this time she relented, drawing into his welcoming arms. She buried her head in his chest, as his arms wrapped around her, pressing her close. Minutes seemed to pass while they stood together, and then Nick pulled away. Natalie saw blood tears brimming in his eyes. He reached over to sweep his hands across her face, caressing her fine cheekbones with his thumbs. Finally he spoke, "Nat, I can't deny my feelings for you any longer. I know I have no right in saying this, but God help me. I love you." His voice was trembling. "Oh how I love you!" Before she could react, he scooped her up into his arms, this time so tightly it took her breath away. He began to smother her with kisses, first over her eyelids, then nose, cheeks and finally her lips, brushing his mouth, then his tongue against hers several times, beseeching admittance to the sweet warmth of her mouth. With soft nibbles, he continued with his pleas, capturing one lip then the other between his teeth, sucking and tugging gently until, with a breathless whimper, Natalie surrendered. Pressing her body to his, she parted her lips, welcoming him gladly. He plunged his tongue into her moist depths, tasting and caressing every bit of her with a desire and need that bordered on desperation. He couldn't get enough of her. Every nerve in Natalie's body was on fire while the kiss went on, intense and urgent. She began to run her hand down his neck and Nick quivered against her, breaking away. Natalie looked up in time to catch Nick's glowing yellowish eyes, staring at her before he leaned his forehead against hers. A moment passed, while they both caught their breath. Finally Natalie spoke, "Oh Nick…I…" She faltered, emotions overcoming her. Nick leaned back, regarding her through a somber haze. "Say it Nat, I want to hear you say it!" His voice was filled with raw intensity. Natalie hesitated, returning his gaze. Then cupping his face with her hands, she spoke. "I love you Nick. More than you'll ever know." Her voice was soft and tender, her words so sincere. They carried immediately to a deep place inside him, moving him beyond words. For a long time, he could only find the strength to look at her as a lump formed in his throat. At last, he touched her face and somehow found his voice. "Are you scared?" His eyes, now returning to their vibrant blue, searched hers for any doubt. "Only of you ever leaving me." She replied in a straightforward tone, her eyes staring back into his, challenging him. Nick smiled and pulled her close. "Don't worry…wild horses couldn't drag me away." He pressed a kiss to her lips. "So where do we go from here?" She asked in a breathless sigh, as he drew the kiss to a close and nuzzled her nose. "I've been thinking about that." He gave her a mischievous look. Natalie looked startled. "You have?" "Well, at least for the last couple minutes." His lips curled into a faint smile. Natalie laughed and Nick pulled her close again. "Come away with me?" He said without warning. Natalie drew away a bit. "Nick this is so sudden." She said in surprise. "Are you sure?" He lifted her hand to play with her fingers. "Positive. I want to take you somewhere special for Christmas, a place where I can pamper you." His voice was tender as he spoke, his gaze cherishing as he regarded her. "You deserve that, you know." A feeling of excitement began to build within her at the feel of his touches, the look in his eyes, the sound in his voice and best the all the idea of having him all to herself for who knew how long. Natalie swallowed hard. "Where?" "Oh no." He gave her nose a playful tap with his finger. "It's a secret my love." "Okay." She smiled. "But may I ask how long?" "We both have a lot of vacation time coming. How about the whole week?" He suggested. "Alright, but you'll have to give me some idea what I should bring." She remarked in a serious tone. "For starters…" His eyes drifted from her face to a small protrusion in her robe. "The Santa outfit?" Natalie stepped away, pulling her robe tightly around her, flushing. "Only if you'll pack yours." Her lips curled into a playful smile, as her eyes swept over him. Nick looked down and groaned inwardly. He was still wearing his Santa suit. His now *very* tousled wind blown suit! He looked up at her with a sheepish grin. "You can count on it," he said. "And Nat one other thing?" "What?" Nick hesitated and cleared his throat. "Be sure to pack that item on you bureau." "What item?" She cocked a brow, puzzled. "You know…" Nick floundered. "The one you were prepared to use as a weapon on me earlier." His blue eyes met hers in a profound look, as a faint pink hue began to spread across his face, something that rarely happened. Slowly, Natalie's eyes widened and her blush deepened. "Oh that!" She stammered. "It was just a gag Christmas gift from Grace." "Gag or not…why don't you bring it along?" He suggested in a low murmur, the pink hue on his face quickly turning bright red. "Because, vibrators shaped like candy canes aren't my style, Nick." She admitted with a candid look, as her flush rose all the way to her scalp. A thrill of pleasure rushed through Nick at her sudden discomfiture. She was so beautiful when she got flustered. He slipped his arms around her waist and gathered her close. Reaching out with his finger, he ran it down her cheekbone, then over to trace the outline of her lips. "Oh…and what is your style?" He went on in a seductive whisper. Her pulse quickened at the sound. "I'll be sure to let you know." She said, her voice matching his, becoming low and throaty. "Promise?" His lips were tantalizingly close to hers now, as she felt his cool breath dance across her skin and saw his adoring eyes travel over her face. "Yes…" Natalie barely managed, before his mouth descended on hers. ************************************** A (K) night of Christmas Cheer By Patty Costantino/psmoot43@hotmail.com Chapter 03/05 ************************************* December 24: About 3 hours drive north of Toronto, somewhere out in the country. The low murmur of voices and the distant turning of a key in an oak- paneled door floated into the silent room, the sound bouncing off the walls in a soft echo. It carried for a moment, as the door opened and two figures entered, a man and woman. Laughing, they brushed snowflakes from their heavy coats and deposited their bags on the wide-slatted pine floor. Shortly, their laughter died, as the woman took a few steps into the dimly lit room. She stopped abruptly and let out a soft gasp, as her eyes, filling with wonder, began to take in her surroundings. They had entered a spacious living area, where she noted, simple vernacular furnishings from a sofa and coffee table, to chairs and end tables graced the room. Everything was decorated in blues and reds, and matched the rustic style of the place. To the right, there was a small kitchen with dining area and straight ahead, the bedroom. As the woman continued to stare intently about the room, the scent of pine and chimney smoke floated up to her nostrils, and turning, she saw a stone fireplace. There were pine and other greens draped over a primitive chestnut mantle, and red and mauve poinsettias on a hearth. Upon further observation, she noted, there were holiday decorations everywhere. A small tree stood in one corner, laden with European ornaments, and the window ledges and tables were spread with holly and pines. A huge ball of mistletoe hung from a wrought- iron chandelier and completed the cheerful assembles. Walking down the hall, she arrived at the bedroom. At first, her eyes took in the king-size bed, and then moved to the other furnishings. There were more chairs and tables around the room, tastefully decorated in the same colors and style as everything else, and a bathroom around the corner. Like the living room, there were greens around the windows. Retreating back into the living room, the woman looked over at the man, her face aglow with excited wonder like a child in a candy store. The look didn't escape his notice and for a long moment he just gazed at her, smiling. God, she could have such an effect on him. His smile broadened, as he watched her move towards the kitchen to open the refrigerator door, and examine the contents. Besides the multitude of green bottles, it was filled with assorted gourmet foods and beverages. Finally he spoke, "I take it you like the place, Nat." "Like it!" Natalie closed the door. "I love it, Nick! It's more than I ever expected." Her eyes were sparkling with joy, her voice ringing with elation, as she turned and smiled at him. Nick's heart leapt…once…twice… at the sight. "C'mere." He said impetuously, raising his arms. Mounting anticipation rushed through her at his beseeching look. "Why?" She teased in a soft murmur. "Because I want to hold you." His words, spoken with warmth and tenderness, melted her insides. Natalie rushed to him and Nick enfolded her in his arms, burying his face in her soft curls. Inhaling the sweet fragrance of her hair, he tightened his hold around her and rubbed his cheek against hers. He could stay like this forever, he thought. Minutes seemed to pass as they continued to stand together in the silence of the room. Then, with reluctance, Nick drew away, bringing his hands around to cup her face. His eyes shining with love, he leaned forward to brush his lips across hers in a kiss, cherishing and tender. Pulling away, he spoke, "Nat, there's something I want to show you. Come outside with me?" There was underlying excitement in his plea as she saw his lips curve into a boyish grin and felt his hand tug at hers. She laughed, his infectious actions triggering an unnatural response from her: spontaneity. "Why not!" She blurted out. Nick pulled her towards the door, and still laughing, Natalie watched him open it. Then before she could gather her thoughts, he leaned over, scooping her up in his arms. Pulling her close, he took to the air. ************************************ It seemed to Natalie that in a matter of seconds they were landing in a wide snow-covered field. As Nick set her down on solid ground, she turned away from him to gaze at their surroundings. There was a nearby pond, and although nearly frozen, she saw that a few gentle ripples of water were catching the moonlight. In the distance, yellow lights glowed in a nearby home, and the faint scent of chimney smoke carried in the cold crisp air. "Oh Nick…it's lovely here." She sighed and leaned against him. Nick snaked his arms around her and gathered her close. "I thought you might like it here." He whispered. A brief silence followed, as they continued to take in the surrounding landscape. Then Nick heard a gasp, and Natalie's voice. "Am I going crazy or do I actually see…" She faltered, her voice catching in surprise. Nick's eyes followed hers to a nearby field, where a small herd of animals were moving with steady grace. "No, Nat you aren't, and yes, those are reindeer," he acknowledged with a smile. "The farmer over there maintains a breeding farm for them." "As in Dasher and Dancer, Comet and Cupid?" She asked in wonder. Nick looked down at her puzzled. "What are you talking about, Nat?" Natalie tilted her head upwards, and glanced at him in amazement. "Oh come on, Nick," she said. "You have heard of Santa's reindeer, haven't you?" Nick frowned. "Nat, you may not have noticed, but Christmas traditions and stories no longer hold much meaning for me." "Perhaps, it's time they did." Natalie rushed on in worry, noting that his eyes were misting over in regret. But, the moment passed quickly, and resurfacing, Nick broke into a half-hearted smile. "And, maybe you can help me with that." "I think I already have." She breathed against him, relieved that his mood had disappeared. Nick kissed the top of her head. "In what way?" He asked softly. "The decorations?" A knowing smile appeared on her face. "Oh those." He chuckled. "When Jeremy came by to stock the place a few days ago, I asked him to spruce up the place." "Jeremy?" Her brows creased in bewilderment. "Jeremy Trotter," Nick explained. "He owns the farm over there, and raises those little Dashers and Dancers you see." Natalie looked up to catch his amused grin. "That's very funny." "I thought you might think so." His smile broadened. "Anyway, I want to show you something else. Come with me." He released her, and picking up her hand, tugged. Natalie caught the mischievous twinkle in his eye and hesitated. What was he up to? Another tug broke her thoughts and she looked at him. "Okay, lead the way." She said with a broad smile. They walked across a field in the direction of the farm. After trudging through the snow a short distance, they came to a red barn. By the looks of the wide planked wood siding and tin roof construction, Natalie surmised, it was probably built sometime during the early 1950's. Nearby, she saw there were stables, and as they got closer, the smell of horses drifted up to their noses. Before she could say anything, Natalie heard a door open and saw a man emerge from the stables. With his short gray hair, shrewd blue eyes and weathered face, she guessed that he was somewhere around seventy. Wearing faded blue jeans and a red and black plaid flannel shirt, he came towards them, hand extended and smiling broadly. "Nicholas, it's so good to see you again after all of these years." Nick grasped the man's hand in a hardy handshake. "It has been too long, my friend." He released his hand and turned to Natalie. "Natalie, this is Jeremy Trotter. Jeremy, Natalie Lambert." Natalie extended her hand. "A pleasure, Jeremy." Jeremy took it, and covered her hand with both of his. "The pleasure is all mine, dear lady. Nick told me you were special, and beautiful. I can see he wasn't off the mark." His eyes fastened onto hers in approval. Natalie blushed slightly and removed her hand gently from his grasp. "Thank you. Nick tells me that you raise reindeer." Her eyes veered towards the small herd in the distance as she spoke. "Ah…yes." He nodded towards the field. "These particular reindeer are called Chukchis from the Chukotsk Peninsula in Russia," he explained. "Modern attempts to domesticate most of these animals have not succeeded, but this breed appears to be the product of longer domestication than most. They are excellent for meat and hide production, but contrary to popular belief, aren't so good for pulling sleds." On the last words, his lips curled into a faint smile "But you don't sell them for meat, or for their hide and antlers any longer, do you?" Nick asked. "I used to, Nick, when times were tough and I almost lost the farm. But not any more," he said. "This small herd I keep for breeding purposes only and for the beauty and grace they evoke." As he spoke, Natalie heard the warmth in his voice and met his eyes in approval. `He really cares about them,' she thought. Turning away, she looked into the field and for a moment, watched the herd as they quietly grazed. "They do have a certain majesty about them," Natalie observed. "Is it true that the males lose their antlers?" "Yes, after the mating season," Jeremy said. "It's the belief of some that females retain them because it allows them to better defend the best feeding areas during pregnancy." "What's the composition?" Nick asked. "Bone," Jeremy said. "But when a male is growing a new one, they are covered in a material called velvet that contains lots of vascular tissue. This nourishes the new antlers. When they begin to harden, or turn to bone, the velvet is generally cast off in shreds." Natalie's eyes drifted from the reindeer to regard Jeremy with a quizzical look. "Do they normally eat the snow like this herd is doing right now?" Jeremy chuckled. "Yes, believe it or not they prefer it to water and eat less in the winter, especially when kept in captivity," he explained. "In the wild, Reindeer browse on lichens, wild mushrooms, leaves, and other vegetation. Rather than consuming large amounts of vegetation indiscriminately, they will select the most nutritious parts of the plant to eat. They often use the sharp edges of their hooves to scrape below the snow for forage. In the spring when food is very scarce, they may eat eggs and even small rodents in order to stay alive. I usually provide them with a mixed diet of all of the above." "Maybe you'd like to see them up close, Nat?" Nick suggested, giving Jeremy a furtive glance. Jeremy nodded at Nick. "Yes, good idea." He turned to gaze at Natalie. "Would you like to see two of my beautiful females up close?" The brief exchange between them wasn't lost on Natalie. `Mmmm…what's going on?' Her brows knitting slightly, she looked first at Jeremy, then at Nick. They both stared back at her with noncommittal expressions. `Must be my imagination running wild,' she thought with a shrug. "Alright," she said aloud, regarding Jeremy. "Follow me." He led them around to the other side of the stables. As they turned the corner, Natalie's eyes widened. There, before them, stood two large female reindeer tied to a red sleigh. Approaching, Natalie noted they were munching on a mixture of assorted vegetation from a huge trough. She turned to Nick with a smile, and seeing the mischievous look in his eyes, slapped him playfully in the ribs. "I knew there was something going on by the odd looks you both exchanged back there." "Can't fool you," Nick remarked with a grin. Jeremy chuckled. "My dear, when Nick called me this week, he asked if I wouldn't mind taking you both on a sleigh ride. I hope you don't mind his little surprise." "Mind?" Natalie's brows rose, her eyes fastening on Jeremy. "I think it's great." She paused and turning back to Nick, gave him a loving smile. "And it's the most romantic thing you've ever done for me." She leaned forward and kissed him lightly on the cheek. Nick grabbed her quickly, gathering her in his arms. "I know you can do better than that?" He cupped his hands around her face. Natalie cast a sidelong glance at Jeremy, blushing, before she leaned in to give Nick a proper kiss on the lips. It was chaste and friendly, but full of promise as her lips lingered on his for a moment. "How was that?" She asked in a low murmur, drawing away. "It's getting there," he said, his eyes sparkling with playfulness. "Why don't you try again?" Natalie smiled back wickedly, and locking her arms around him, pulled him down into a long, passionate kiss. It went on until a voice cut in, breaking the spell. "Could you two please save that for the sleigh ride?" Drawing away, Natalie looked over, catching the gleam in Jeremy's eyes and blushed deeply. She heard Nick speak, "Sorry, we'll try to restrain ourselves." There was a playful quality in his tone, as she felt him seize her hand, and guide her towards the sleigh. Once there, Nick swept her an exaggerated bow, and then extending his hand, spoke with a clipped British accent. "Your carriage awaits, milady." Natalie chuckled, as she took his hand, and stepped up into the sleigh. He quickly followed, sinking into the soft black leather seat, as close to her as possible. Jeremy untied a rope from around the post, where the reindeer had been tethered. As he climbed up into the driver's seat, Natalie spoke up, her momentary embarrassment forgotten, "Jeremy, one question?" He turned. "What's that, my dear?" "I thought you said reindeer weren't good at pulling sleds?" "I did," he admitted. "But these two ladies, Mabel and Gertrude, are the exception. They come from the same stock, but for some odd reason, I was able to teach them. Perhaps it was because they were so young when I started their training. But I don't really know for sure." He smiled. "Perhaps it's the feminine mystique." Natalie teased. He laughed. "Maybe." He paused, eyeing them both. "So are we ready to go?" He was met with two silent nods. "Okay then." He spun around in his seat, and pulling on the reins gently, clucked to the reindeer. Mabel and Gertrude moved almost immediately, jerking the sleigh forward. The sudden motion caught Natalie by surprise, sending her almost flying off the seat. Eyes wide, she gripped the side to steady herself. Nick reached over and pulled her into his arms. "Easy, Nat," he said softly. "I don't want to lose you, now that we've found each other." "That would certainly put a damper on things wouldn't it?" She said with a wry smile. "Yes, it would," he agreed, tightening his arms around her in a protective hold. In response, she snuggled into the crook of his arm, shivering slightly against him. "Are you cold?" Nick shot her a concerned look. "Yeah a little." She admitted. Nick bent down and retrieved a bright red woolen blanket from the floor, placing it over her. "Better?" He asked, kissing her temple and pulling her against him once more. "Yeah, much." She sighed, wrapping herself more snuggly in blanket and burying herself deeper into the crook of his arm. A comfortable silence ensued between them, as they glanced out the sleigh at the surrounding landscape. They were crossing a wide snow- covered field, and with the moonlight glowing on the snow-covered pines and the stars sparkling in an inky black sky, it was almost as if they had stepped into a Norman Rockwell painting. In the distance, multi-colored Christmas lights peppered neighboring homes, and around them, chimney smoke continued to permeate the cold night air. After a while, Natalie noticed they were heading towards a wooded glen. As they drew closer, she saw a trail leading into a thicket of pine trees. From her viewpoint, it looked quite primitive and rugged with lots of rocks and logs protruding from the ground. "Are we going through there?" She asked with skepticism, nodding in that direction. Nick followed her gaze and broke into a smile. "Don't worry, Nat," he said. "Jeremy knows what he's doing. He's been giving sleigh rides for years." "Okay that part eases my mind," she said, looking at him. "But now I wonder how you came to gain this knowledge? From your own experiences?" Her voice was teasing, eyes sparkling with mischief. "If you mean, have I brought anyone else here? The answer is no." He touched the tip of her nose with his fingertip, his smile broadening. "And that was the correct answer." She said, her eyes still playful. Just then, the sleigh hit a few small bumps, and Natalie bounced in her seat. Nick grabbed her, pulling her back. Glancing at her with concern, he was surprised when she erupted into peels of laughter. Infectious and joyful, the lilting sound carried in the air around them, inflating Nick's heart. Unable to resist, he squeezed her arms, and laughed with her. "This is a wild, but I love it." She said, a moment later, as the ride calmed and the laughter faded away between them. "It's so exhilarating!" Her eyes were shining with unabashed enthusiasm. A mixture of joy and excitement washed over Nick at the sight. "Yes, it is," he agreed in a low murmur, kissing her temple. "Oh Nick." She sighed. "I could stay like this forever." "So could I, Nat, so could I," he echoed with contentment in his voice that Natalie had seldom heard. Maybe never. So many times in the past, those feelings had been overshadowed by his endless guilt. But here and now, it seemed he was more at ease, more at peace with himself, his spirits reaching a high that she thought she'd never see. It made her heart race, her soul leap with joy for him. Natalie turned to gaze at him. "Nick, tell me more about how you discovered this wonderful place and met Jeremy?" "It was in 1956," Nick began. "He sold me the cabin and 10 acres of his 100 acre parcel. It needed a lot of work, but at the time it was the best thing for me." "Therapy," she queried. More of a statement than question, her wise remark didn't escape Nick's notice. "Yeah." He admitted. Natalie heard the hard-to-define tone in his voice, and caught the unreadable look in his eyes. "Want to talk about it?" She asked tentatively. An eternity seemed to go by, as she waited with anxious anticipation for his answer, wondering if this time, like so many in the past, he would clam up. Finally he spoke. "It was the same old story, Nat," he said, drawing his words out slowly. "There had been a brief reconciliation between me and Lacroix, but it was only a matter of time before he'd become intolerant of my insubordinate ways." There was a long pause, as she heard him let out a deep breath. "I ended up leaving, and heading north. After a few nights, I stopped here for the day, thinking I'd found an abandoned cabin. Jeremy showed up the next night, surprised to see me, and wary of my intentions. Fortunately, it took only a brief time to convince him I meant no harm." "Convince him?" Her eyes narrowed and shifted in worry to Jeremy's back. "Do you mean hypnosis?" Nick followed her gaze. "He can't hear us, Nat," he said. "Besides he's known about me for some time, but back then, he didn't know what I was, so it wasn't necessary to hypnotize him." "Then it must have been your irresistible charm." Her teasing tone floated up to his ears and he caught her amused expression in the flickering moonlight. He gave her a faint smile. "No, I think it was my offer to buy the place in its dilapidated condition, and at a lucrative price, which won him over." She laughed, another infectious laugh that made his heart leap. He squeezed her hand, and went on. "For three or four years, I lived here, learning several new trades: carpentry, masonry. The work, coupled with the wonders of nature, and no one to pester me, gave meaning back to my life. For the first time in a long while, self-acceptance, though difficult for me, was becoming a tangible reality, and I was beginning to move closer to feeling better about myself." "And, how do you feel now, coming back here after all these years?" She smiled up at him. In response, Nick tilted her chin towards his lips, and slid his hands around to cup the sides of her face. "Even better," he whispered. "Because I've got you." His voice warm and tender, his eyes swimming with love, touched her to the very core and tears welled in her eyes. She felt his thumbs move across her cheeks as one fell onto her skin. He brushed it away, and then leaning in, captured her mouth in a tender kiss. Cradling his hand around her head, he pressed her closer, and parting her lips, began to kiss her long and hard and deep. At last cupping his hands around her face, he broke away, his eyes flickering gold with desire, his fangs glistening in the moonlight. Her eyes clouded over with concern as she stared at him. "Are you okay, Nick?" Natalie asked in a breathless tone. He rested his forehead against hers. "I'm okay." His voice was raspy, but gentle and reassuring. "But I think when this ride is over, I'll need reinforcements. Is that alright?" Natalie drew away slightly and saw his now blue eyes searching hers for any doubt. "Yes, Nick. " She squeezed his hand in acceptance and gave him a beautiful smile. At the sight, his heart almost melted. He drew her closer, settling her against him once more. Moving her hair away from her shoulder, he began to brush his lips over her earlobe. "So would you call it doctor's orders?" He asked in a low murmur. She closed her eyes and sighed against his delicious kisses. "Definitely. After all, restraint is the issue here and the key to the success of this relationship." He drew away to rub his cheek against hers. "How much restraint?" Natalie pressed closer, relishing the feel of his rough stubble against her soft skin. "You can nibble and take a little or more than a little, but consuming the *entire* package is off limits, Nick." He chuckled. "I'll try to remember that, Nat." Leaning back, he tightened his hold on her, while a comfortable silence descended, each contenting themselves with the lovely landscape, the magical sleigh ride, the blissful moment of being together, and maybe just maybe the promise of things to come. ************************************* A (K) night of Christmas Cheer By Patty Costantino/psmoot43@hotmail.com Chapter 04/05 ************************************* Natalie stood, gazing into the crackling fire, its heat offering comfort to her face. Taking a sip of the hot chocolate Nick had just offered her, she watched as he settled behind her. He pulled her against him and held her close in his arms, his chin resting on her head, while music played in the background. Though no Christmas records donned Nick's collection, Natalie had managed to find Sinatra, and now his voice could be heard crooning over an old 1960's stereo. >From the kitchen, the smell of duck, wild rice, asparagus and fresh baked bread still permeated the air, as she glanced over to see the leftovers on the table, her eyes filling with wonder at Nick's little surprise. For what a surprise it had been! When they'd returned from their sleigh ride, Nick had suggested she settle herself while he took care of things. As she carried her bag into the bedroom and ran a bath, she'd had a suspicion that "taking care of things" equated to his earlier declaration of reinforcing himself with bottled cow blood. But never did it dawn on her that he would have other ideas. For upon her return an hour later, smelling of fresh lavender and dressed in clean clothes, her eyes beheld a complete transformation. The poinsettias had been pushed out of the way and a fire started. There were lit candles everywhere: on tables, the mantle and the dining room table where two places had been set for dinner. Upon closer scrutiny she saw food…actual cooked *homemade* food next to the place settings, and looking up from the table, watched as Nick carried a duck to the table and placed it down in the middle. "Oh…perfect. I was about to call you for dinner." She faintly heard him say through her astonished state-of-mind and watched, as he came towards her. Taking her hand, he slowly raised it to his lips, kissing it. Then he turned it over and pressed a kiss into the palm of her hand. Natalie felt her insides turn to Jell-o. Nick pulled her closer and kissed her gently on the lips. Before she could react, he'd stepped back, tugging her towards the dining table. He pulled a chair out for her, and she sat down. Natalie blinked back her amazement, as she watched him take a seat beside her and serve them both. Her astonishment had continued, stretching on through the meal, as she discovered his culinary skills. Not that he was in the same league with the world-renowned chefs of the world, but neither was he at the bottom. While eating, she asked him how he'd gained these talents. He explained that, like art and music, through the centuries, he'd become interested in cooking even though he wasn't inclined to sample his own food. During his many incarnations, he'd found himself entertaining periodically, and needing to keep up the façade of a normal life, had served these creations to various guests. In recent times, it hadn't surprised her to discover that he'd even worked at homeless shelters serving meals. After a while, the conversation ventured into more everyday topics about their work and friends. It was punctuated, of course, with sweet kisses, gentle touches, and loving glances, as Natalie sipped her wine and continued to eat her food, and Nick drank his cow blood and forced down tiny mouthfuls, trying to please her. Presently, as they stood by the fireplace, Nick's arms securely around her, and her stomach contentedly full, she sighed. "Oh Nick. The blazing fire, the sumptuous meal, and now…" She raised her mug to him, "this wonderful hot chocolate." She brought the drink to her lips, taking another sip. "What other things do you have up your sleeve?" She asked a second later, drawing the cup away. For a moment, Nick didn't say anything. Instead, he turned her slowly around, took the mug from her hand, and set it down on the coffee table. Natalie looked at him with curiosity, when he took her hand and led her to the couch. He sat, and then when she started to sit beside him, found herself suddenly in his lap. Laughing, he pulled her close and kissed the tip of her nose. "Sorry, Nat, but I need you closer than that." "Well, I'm not complaining." She said with a soft laugh, wrapping her arms around his neck. A sudden silence reined in the room as their laughter faded, and Natalie noticed Nick shift slightly, almost uncomfortably. Was he nervous? Her eyes narrowed. When Nick finally spoke, it was with reticence. "Nat, do you know the origins about the mistletoe?" He asked. Natalie's eyes rose towards the ceiling, where the large greenish ball hung in splendor over them. She shrugged. "I know it once had another name. It was called All Heal because it was used in folk medicine to cure many ills. In fact, North American Indians used it for toothaches, measles and dog bites." Nick tapped the end of her nose with his finger. "Why am I not surprised you know the medicinal uses?" He said with a smile. Her lips curved into a wry grin, and she slapped him playfully in the chest. "What can you tell me about it?" "One story has it," he began, "that the Druid priesthood used it in a ceremony held five days after the New Moon following winter solstice. They would cut mistletoe from a holy oak tree with a golden sickle. The branches had to be caught before they touched the ground or the magic wouldn't work. A priest then divided the branches into many sprigs and distributed them to the people, who hung them over doorways as protection against thunder, lightning and other evils. It could also be placed in a baby's cradle to protect the child from faeries." "And, why does it not surprise me that you know the metaphysical origins?" She teased, her eyes gleaming. He gave her a boyish grin, and seizing her hand, went on quietly. "Do you know where kissing under the mistletoe originated?" "No, but you have my undivided attention now." She said with a wicked grin. "Although some say it is a purely English custom, there's another more charming explanation that extends back into Norse mythology," he said. "It's the story of a loving, overprotective, mother, Frigga, goddess of love and beauty. Her son, Balder, was the best loved of all the gods and she loved him so much she wanted to make sure no harm would come to him. So she went through the world, securing promises from everything that sprang from the four elements--fire, water, air, and earth--that they would not harm her beloved Balder." "That's a good mother for you!" Natalie commented, her smile broadening. "Yes, but, unfortunately, as the story goes, Loki, a sly, evil spirit, found a loophole, mistletoe. He made an arrow from its wood, and to make the prank even nastier, he took the arrow to Hoder, Balder's blind brother. Guiding Holder's hand, Loki directed the arrow at Balder's heart, and he fell dead. One version of the story, though, had Balder somehow restored to life, and Frigga was so grateful that she reversed the reputation of the offending plant-- making it a symbol of love and promising to bestow a kiss upon anyone who passed under it." "And so the custom still remains even today." She finished. "Yes, it does." Nick paused, averting his eyes downward to gaze at their entwined hands. After a moment, he went on in a low, quiet voice, "Do you know what it means when a couple exchanges a kiss under it?" "Ummmm…" Her face became pensive. "Happiness?" Eyes still averted, he began to rub his thumb over her knuckles. "Yes. What else?" He prompted. She shrugged. "I don't know." Drawing his eyes away from her hand, he regarded her intently. "It also has been said that one can have a long life." "I could go along with that." She agreed with a smile. "What else?" There was a pause while he reached inside his shirt pocket. "It also can mean…" Another hesitation, as a black box appeared in his hand. "A promise to marry." On the last word, the lid opened. There, resting on black velvet was a marquise-shaped diamond engagement ring, with a gold band and raised setting. Natalie gasped and clapped her hands to her mouth. For a long while, she just stared with joy, first at Nick, then the diamond. After a few more seconds, though, she finally found her voice. "Oh Nick, it's beautiful." She breathed. "I don't know what to say." He removed the ring from its soft confines, and moved to place it on Natalie's finger. "Say you'll marry me, Nat." His words hung in the air, as he waited breathlessly for her response. It came a moment later. "Oh, yes," she breathed and watched him slip the ring on. It was a perfect fit. For another long moment, she couldn't find her voice once more, as tears welled in her eyes and fell on her cheeks. Then she spoke. "You are certainly full of surprises," she said thickly, swiping at the moisture on her face. Nick smiled and pulled her close into a tender kiss. "Nat…I've wanted to ask you for a while, but I was afraid…" "Sssh, Nick." Nat reached up and held the side of his face in her hands. "It doesn't matter anymore. What matters now is that we've both decided to move our relationship forward and give our love a chance to grow." He smiled and placed his hand over hers on his cheek. "Yes, my love." Natalie pressed her lips to his and kissed him. He tightened his arms around her, hugging her to him. After a few minutes, he pulled back a bit and spoke in a soft tone, "I know we should talk about the wedding. And I don't care if you want the biggest and grandest one. I'll even get married in a church, if that's what you want, Nat. All I ask is that we don't wait too long." She reached over, and cupping her hands around his face, kissed him on the nose. "You're right, we shouldn't. And as far as the other arrangements, we can figure them out later." She paused and smiled. "For now, we should just celebrate the occasion." "With champagne?" He suggested. "I have some in the refrigerator. I could get it and…" He began to slide her gently off his lap and rise. She stopped him with her hands and pressed him back into the couch. "Not yet…later." Her tone was suddenly throaty. At the sound of her voice, his heart began to race more than the norm. He gave her a leering smile. "What did you have in mind?" He murmured and leaned over to kiss along her throat. A moment later, he heard her sigh and moved downward to kiss along the hollow between her neck and shoulder. For a moment, Natalie arched her back against his questing lips, losing herself in the sensations that Nick was producing on her flesh. Then hesitancy to surrender just yet overcame her and she pulled away abruptly. Looking into his surprised expression, another idea began to form in her mind and she stood up. "How does dancing sound to you?" She asked, her voice slightly breathless. Nick looked up, smiling inwardly at her obvious discomfiture. He knew that she was trying to delay the inevitable, but he was willing to wait, to take things slow, to do it her way. "You want to dance." It was more of a statement than a question. "Yeah, why not?" She gave him a slight shrug. Nick grinned mischievously. "Okay." He rose and reached for her hand. Snaking an arm around her waist, he drew her close, guiding her in a slow dance before the fireplace. Another Sinatra song played softly in the background as a distant part of their minds noted how appropriate the lyrics seemed. When somebody loves you It's no good unless he loves you - all the way Happy to be near you When you need someone to cheer you - all the way Taller than the tallest tree is That's how it's got to feel Deeper than the deep blue sea is That's how deep it goes - if it's real More relaxed now, Natalie settled her head on his shoulder, while Nick buried his face in her hair. Though the music continued, their movements gradually slowed. Soon, they were all but standing still, molded together in each other's embrace. When somebody needs you It's no good unless he needs you - all the way Through the good or lean years And for all the in between years - come what may Who knows where the road will lead us Only a fool would say But if you'll let me love you It's for sure I'm gonna love you - all the way, all the way As the song came to an end, Natalie's disconcertion returned. Nick felt her quiver in his arms and heard another breathless gasp. A rush of excitement tore through him knowing that this was it. *The inevitable.* There would be no more denials. No more fears. No more going back. With a whisper of a touch, Nick tilted her chin up, searching her eyes for any doubts. He found none, as her lips parted slightly and her expressive eyes peered up at him with unconditional love. Freeing her chin, his eyes never wavering from hers, his hand traveled up her face to rub against her soft cheek. Natalie shut her eyes for a second, and emitted a sigh. She smiled, and taking his other hand, led him down the hall to the bedroom. ************************************* A (K) night of Christmas Cheer By Patty Costantino/psmoot43@hotmail.com Chapter 05/05 ************************************* At the foot of the bed, Nick gathered her hand up, interlocking their fingers in a loving hold. Their gazes locked again, as electric currents seemed to pass between them. He could almost feel the intense fire building within her, the same flame that was spreading through him. Not wanting to move too fast, he suppressed his mounting desire, and lifting her hand to his mouth, brushed his lips across her fingertips. As his lips moved away, Natalie reached around, entangling her fingers in his soft locks, bringing his head down to her shoulder. An instant later, his arms snaked around her waist, gathering her up in a close embrace. He buried his face in her hair and inhaled the lavender scent of her shampoo, losing himself in the soft texture of her curls and the overwhelming feeling of her in his arms. An eternity seemed to pass as they continued to hold each other, with Nick being the first to pull away. Eyes locked in a never-ending look of love; Nick lifted his hands and cupped them around her cheek, drawing her lips towards his. He brushed his lips lightly across hers, and then parting them, deepened the kiss. It went on, intense and urgent, as he scooped her up into his arms and carried her to the bed, lowering them both onto the red silk sheets. Natalie moaned beneath him, tightening her arms around his neck. Nick released her to brush his lips over her face, down her neck and over to her earlobe, where he nibbled on the soft skin. At the same time, his hand wandered down to her shoulder, and then to one of her full breasts. He cupped and kneaded it, stroking the peaked nub of her nipple through the silk fabric of her red blouse. She let out a low groan, as he continued to bestow ardent kisses and gentle touches over her flesh. Then, abruptly, she felt him pull away, rolling to his side. Natalie moaned, and through heavy-lidded eyes, peered over at Nick with a mixture of frustration and concern. "Are you okay?" Nick reached out with his finger and ran it down her cheekbone, tracing the outline of her swollen lips. His eyes, now laced with amber, regarded her with tenderness. "I'm fine, Nat. But before we go any further, there are some things you need to know." His tone was serious. "Okay," Natalie shifted to her side, giving him her undivided attention. "As you know, it's inevitable that I will change. If this frightens or makes you feel uncomfortable, you can tell me to stop. But, at a certain point, I will need to bite you in order to…" He faltered, giving her a bashful grin before looking away. Natalie reached over with her hand to caress his cheek. "Nick, I know that. And I'm not afraid." Catching his chin with a finger, she made him look into her eyes. "Because…I…trust…you. I…love… you." Her words, spoken with conviction and love, stirred him beyond thought or reason, leaving him momentarily speechless. Her level of trust, faith and her love for him despite everything he'd done truly amazed him. He didn't deserve her. Finally he found his voice. "I love you, Nat," he said thickly. "You fill a void in me that no one ever has." Natalie swallowed hard, and reaching over to cradle his head with her hands, entwining her fingers in his hair, pulled him down into another deep kiss, molding her body to his. A thrill of pleasure rushed through Nick as he kissed her back with growing intensity, giving in to the alluring warmth of her very essence, the incredible softness of her lips hungrily seeking his, the intoxicating scent of her perfumed hair and skin, and the erotic feel of her body beneath his. Releasing her lips, he trailed a blaze of kisses along her face and down her neck, traveling now and again to her ear, to suck on her earlobe. At the same time, he allowed his hands to slide beneath her blouse and move upward to cover her breasts through the white lace of her bra, cupping and kneading them gently. She moaned and arched into his touch, her head falling back into the pillow. His thumbs flickered across her nipples, and then moved in teasing circles around them, as his fingers tickled the flesh on the underside of her breasts. His hands moved lower, pausing briefly to stroke her soft abdomen. He heard another moan and felt her shudder against him. Slipping his hands out from under her blouse, he began to undo each button. At the same time, Natalie's hands were busy, traveling down the front of his black silk shirt, her fingers brushing along the fine blond hairs on his chest as she worked her way down the buttons, undoing them. Releasing the last ones, they swept their shirts off, tossing them to the floor. For a long moment, they sat there, gazing, allowing their eyes to feast on each other. At one point, Nick's eyes moved up to rest on her shoulder. A moment later, his hand followed the same path to slip off first one bra strap, then the other before unsnapping the front clasp. As the bra dropped, her breasts sprang free. His gaze fastened on them, then moved up to her face, his eyes swirling with adoration. "You are so beautiful, Nat," he murmured. "So breath-taking, so magnificent…." Natalie chuckled, her face flushing in embarrassment. "Okay…. Okay… enough already!" She wrapped her arms around his neck, and pulled his mouth down on hers. With eager hands, Natalie began to explore his body, stroking across his broad shoulders, caressing and kneading the taut muscles along the way. Wandering across his chest, she stopped to play with his sensitive nipples and tease his blond hairs, and then traveling up to his neck and into his hair, she slid her warm hands through his soft locks. At her touches, he moaned deep in the back of his throat, and parting her lips, deepened their kiss once more. His hands began to move, working their own magic over her body. Using his fingertips, he stroked down her neck, and over her collarbone, then lower, to the swell of her breasts. His hands rubbed lightly against the flesh beneath them, then slowly wandered up to cradle both of them, kneading and holding them, almost reverently, in his palms. With his thumbs, he began to trace circles around her nipples, bringing them to sharp peaks. Natalie sighed against him as she felt his lips leave hers to trail kisses down her cheek to the curve of her neck, then over her shoulder and across to her collarbone. Nick groaned as he rested nearly on top of her, settling down against her welcoming softness. Moving his lips lower, he sensed the fullness of her breasts not too far away and placing kisses down her front, came to them. At first, Nick alternated between tracing his tongue around each aureole, and then blowing on them, refraining each time from doing what he knew she wanted. After a time, he heard her moan with frustration, and felt her arch her back, and clutch at his hair. Smiling inwardly, Nick finally relented, and taking each aroused nipple into his mouth, began to suckle in earnest. Panting heavily now, Natalie leaned farther back into the pillow, and moving her hands around his head, hugged him to her chest. While his lips and tongue continued to tease and delight her, one hand drifted down to release the button and zipper on her slacks. Then, ceasing his ministrations, Nick rose to slip her shoes, socks, pants and finally her white lace panties off, discarding them to the growing pile on the floor. Again, he gazed upon her with wonder. A wave of self-consciousness washed over Natalie, and catching his chin with her finger, she brought his face around to look at her, a profound look gracing her eyes. "Your turn, Nick." . "Okay." He said with an eager smile and began to undo his belt buckle, but his movements were stopped by the firm touch of her hand. "No, let me…" Her voice caught, but he knew what she wanted. He held her gaze and gave a faint nod, allowing his hand to fall to his side. First she removed his shoes and socks, and then with a sharp tug, she freed the belt buckle before going to work on his pants. Sliding them down and away, she turned back and saw…. "Nick!" Her eyes widened in surprise. "Where did you get those?" "What?" His eyes gleamed with merriment. "You don't like them?" "They're great, Nick. I'm just surprised you would don a pair of…a pair of…" Her voice trailed off, as she felt a laugh bubble to the surface. "They're called boxers Nat." Nick finished. "I know what they're called!" She exclaimed, trying her utmost not to laugh. "It's just that I didn't expect you to buy black ones with candy canes on them." "I thought you wanted me to get into the festive mood of the season." "Oh I did." She agreed. "And this certainly is a start in the right direction. After all, if you want to become human, you must try to indulge in mortal traditions and Christmas is one of those times to practice them." "So you approve?" Natalie's eyes swept over his shorts as well as his magnificent body, her excitement climbing again. "Oh yes." She felt his hand reach for hers to place it on the bulge in his shorts. "What other human traditions should we be practicing, Nat?" His voice was low and uneven. Natalie closed her eyes and sighed. "Aaah…this is good example." Her hand began to massage him through the silk material. Her actions sent a feverish rush of desire through him. With a low growl, Nick reached up and grabbed her, sliding her across his body. "How about this?" He pushed against her with his hips. The sensual contact was unbelievable, as she felt his firmness being pressed up against her body, making her moist with desire. "Yes, this is good, but I think we need more practice." She said, swallowing hard. "Okay." He reached up, and cradling his hands behind her head, brought her lips towards his, capturing hers in a searing kiss. As it went on, his hands wandered down her body to cup her buttocks and pull her hard against him, moving his hips against her. Natalie moaned and spread her legs to his passionate assault. Feverishly, her hands moved downward to slide under the waistband of his shorts. Breaking the kiss, Nick lifted his hips, allowing her to slip them off and away. Now flesh upon flesh, Nick rolled her over onto her back, and began raining kisses over her again, but this time, he spoke to her with warmth and tenderness, in soft cool breaths between kisses, the sounds warming her heart and kindling her desire. She cried out, her body feverishly aroused, pleading with him not to stop. He took his time with her, ensuring that she felt each touch, each kiss, and each word. His lips moved up to her ear, licking, nuzzling and kissing, his tongue moving in slow wet strokes around her earlobe. At the same time, one of his hands drifted lower, finding the soft spot of her inner thighs. Slipping between her legs, he dusted his fingertips over her silky skin, and then wandering up, brushed his fingers over the wiry curls of her mound. Natalie emitted a soft whimper and arched her back against him. She stroked her fingers through his tousled hair, over his shoulders and down his back, her nails dusting his cool flesh. Another moan came from her lips as she felt him slip a finger into her sensitive core. For a moment, it remained tight and snug within her while his tongue continued tracing circles around her earlobe and his other hand dusted across her breasts. A second later, he was rewarded with his desired purpose, as her lush juices began to pour free, flowing with wild abandon over his probing finger and he inhaled the sweet scent of her arousal. "Oh Nick." Natalie breathed against him, pushing her hips against his finger. "I need…" Nick smiled inwardly, thrilled at the knowledge of being the one to have this kind of effect on her, to make her hunger for his touch, make her need him as much as he needed her. Lifting his head, he cupped his free hand around her cheek. "Sssh Nat," he soothed. "I need you too." He began to move his finger inside of her, touching and gliding into her warmth. His lips found hers again, his tongue delving deep inside her mouth. His other hand wandered down to resume teasing and touching one of her breasts, his fingers dancing around her nipple. Releasing her lips, he planted a flurry of kisses over her face, down her neck and over to her shoulder blade. Natalie groaned as her hips rocked, lifting up to meet his touches and rub against him. Her moans reached his ears, making him smile, as he found the center of her desire, and began to slowly rub and massage her there. As he continued his sensual touching, Nick felt her growing tense beneath him and he moved up to meet her lips again in a deep kiss. It was enough. She reached the ultimate crest, crashing over into spasms of delight, as they seemed to go on unceasingly. As the sensations diminished, and reality returned to her, the kiss became less intense, their tongues dancing in a more languorous rhythm. At last, cupping her face with his hands, Nick pulled away. She opened her eyes to see his boyish grin. His eyes were blue with only flashes of gold. "Was that better than your vibrator?" He asked in a low murmur. "Much better." She sighed in contentment, dusting her fingertips along his back, across his chest and downward to his very aroused member. His fingers moved to stop her, catching her wrist. Natalie gazed up at him, her eyes imploring. "Nick, please…let me…" He shook his head fervently. "Nat, more than anything, I would love for you to touch me that way, but I'm afraid it will test my control." He pressed his hands around her face, forcing her to look at him, his eyes serious. "After all, `restraint is the key to making this relationship work,' right?" She met his somber gaze with one of her own. "Absolutely." Nick went on, "And it will work for a while, Nat, but at some point, I'll have to bring you across. You don't have a problem with that?" His eyes held hers. Natalie reached up and brushed her hand along his cheek. "You know, Nick, if I could, I'd give you back your fondest wish, your mortality. But I don't think I can, at least not now." She paused and swallowed hard. "Perhaps, in the future, it will be different and I'll discover a cure for the both of us. But at the moment, what is more important is for us to be together, sharing our hopes, dreams and visions, loving each other. Besides…" She smiled, despite the seriousness of the discussion. "I knew accepting a marriage proposal from you would equate to an *eternal* commitment." There was a long pause, as Nick looked down at her, adoring her, and tried to smile through his blood tears. How had he ever come to deserve this woman…this remarkable…determined…incredible woman? He seized her hand, and found his voice, "Alright Natalie," he said thickly. "An eternal commitment it is." Eyes locked on hers, he shifted above her, and with his knee, began to part her legs. Settling between them, he parted them slightly more, his tip being guided to her moist entrance. He leaned over her brushing kisses over her face. "I won't hurt you, Nat," he murmured between kisses. In response, Natalie's hips rose to meet him, welcoming him. With a slight movement, Nick began to enter her ever so slowly, his hips thrusting his thick length deeper and deeper inside her. Natalie groaned, and her head sank against the pillows, as she enjoyed the sweet rapture of his interminable entry. She could feel the motion within her, while he moved forward with care. Then, she realized he was there, completely inside of her, as he moaned against her ear. She locked her arms and legs firmly around him, holding him close, pulling him even deeper inside her, her inner muscles tightening around him Tremors of ecstasy rushed through Nick at the feel of her warmth and sleek moistness surrounding him. For a moment, he remained unmoving against her, savoring the sensations. Then he felt moisture against his skin and lifted his head, his amber-colored eyes seeing freshly fallen tears on her cheeks. "Are you okay?" He asked with concern, wiping them away. "I'm just so happy, Nick," she replied with a breathless smile, blinking back more tears. Momentarily overcome again with emotion, he leaned forward to brush another kiss across her lips. "I am too, Nat." He paused, swallowing hard. "I love you." "I love you too, Nick." Her words, so lovingly conveyed, spurred him on and he began to move within her. At first, Nick took his time, easing in and out of her, withdrawing completely, then plunging into her, thrusting in slow, sensual movements. Natalie sighed against him, pushing her hips up to meet his thrusts while her hands reached around to tangle in his hair, her fingers sliding through his silky curls. The world around Nick grew distant, as he became aware of only her: Her passion-filled eyes gazing up at him, her sweat-laden skin molded against him, her soft hands entwined in his hair, her smooth legs wrapped around his hips, and her moist heat surrounding him like a warm cocoon. Nick smothered her face with kisses, punctuating them with intermittent nips of his fangs on her throat and soft wet licks of his tongue on her skin. Natalie's eyes closed in delightful splendor, as she felt his breath on her skin, the taut muscles of his body pressing against her, his cool member moving inside and rubbing against her, his lips casting a spell over her flesh. Every subtle stroke, every sweet kiss, every soft caress, was igniting a bigger flame within, sending her to the next crest, and upwards to that ultimate peak. After a time, Nick changed the tempo, and pulling back, escalated the force of his thrusts, pushing forward harder and faster, penetrating ever deeper inside her sweet hot chamber. Natalie gasped as more waves passed through her. Her hands drifted down his back, her nails raking across his flesh, as he continued to carry them towards the ultimate crest with the power of his piston-like strokes. Natalie thought she would die from the sheer agony of it all when she felt his hips thrust once more, plunging deeply within her. The world began to shatter in a multitude of colors and time seemed to slow down around her as she catapulted into a wave of orgasms. Through these continual ripples, she felt his kisses against her neck, his hips against her flesh and heard his words of love, murmuring them repeatedly like a private mantra. Then a brief pain, followed by ecstasy, unlike anything she'd ever encountered. It was almost too unbearable when images began to flood her mind and she realized Nick was giving her the best gift of all: a window into his soul. The pictures came fast, flying by like a flock of geese: Nick on horseback in the light of day, Lacroix and Janette with him at his crossing, the numerous conquests over the centuries, their first meeting, and the memorable times together. She sensed his thoughts and emotions. His joy at breaking down those barriers with her, and at last revealing their love for each other. His elation not only at her acceptance of the human side of him, but the vampire as well, and more importantly, the person he was and strived to be everyday. His delight at her willingness to give up the light of day for his dark world, to be with him for eternity. It was a flawless union of two souls into one, perfect and pure in every way. A beginning and an end. Everything. As the images and feelings slowly faded, Natalie felt him pull away from her throat and shudder against her, meeting his own climax. She engulfed him in her arms, holding him close while he rode out the waves. After a while, she felt his lips move across her throat, planting sweet kisses. She sighed and cradled his head, stroking her fingers in his unruly curls. Another few minutes passed, as they continued to kiss, stroke and hold each other. At last, Nick lifted his head and broke into a warm contented smile. "Have I told you how much I love you?" "As I recall, many times." She smiled back. "I did, didn't I?" He said a little embarrassed. "I guess you could say I got swept up in the moment." "That makes both of us." Her face flushed. Nick reached over and cupped his hands around her face. "Nat, seriously, I meant every word." His voice was shaking, and his eyes were dark with emotion. "You mean everything to me." Tears pricked at her eyes. "Nick, I love you too." Natalie drew him down into a tender kiss. The kiss went on for a little while before Nick pulled away and saw the tears on her cheeks. He reached over to wipe them away. "Are you okay?" He asked, alarmed. "I didn't hurt you…" "No." She shook her head vehemently. "I'm just…" She choked back more tears. "Overwhelmed. That's all." "Me too, Nat," he said thickly. "In fact, when I drank from you, I felt such warmth. It was as if your love overwhelmed the beast and calmed my heart. That has never happened to me before." He gave her a lop-sided grin. "You see what kind of effect you have on me, Nat?" Nick gathered her hand in his, kissing each fingertip. At his touch, desire bubbled inside her. "No different than the one you are having on me," she said with a shaky smile. Nick smiled inwardly, sensing her rising heartbeat and quickening pulse. She was aroused. He leaned in and nuzzled her nose. "Maybe we should do something about it? After all, it is the season of giving and I don't mind giving and giving and giving…" He whispered, kissing her tenderly on the lips. "And it just so happens, that *giving* is one of things I do best," she murmured. "In fact…" Her voice trailed off and her eyes widened. "Ohm' gosh, Nick!" She rose with a start. "I almost forgot." "What?" He asked with a puzzled grin. "Your Christmas gift." She moved to get out of bed. Nick chuckled and pushed her gently back against the pillow. "It can wait, Nat," he said. "Besides, you have already given me the best gift of all." "What?" She asked with a quizzical smile, her eyes looking deeply into his. Nick cradled his hands around her face, and gazed at her with reverence and love. "You." He said simply, and then leaning down, brought his lips towards hers… Finis ************************************** "Love is always the perfect gift." Dove Bar Co. "From the centre of the ceiling of this kitchen, old Wardle had just suspended with his own hands a huge branch of mistletoe, and this same branch of mistletoe instantaneously gave rise to a scene of general and most delightful struggling and confusion; in the midst of which, Mr. Pickwick, with a gallantry that would have done honour to a descendant of Lady Tollimglower herself, took the old lady by the hand, led her beneath the mystic branch, and saluted her in all courtesy and decorum." --The Pickwick Papers ************************************* Bibliographies: Kissing Under the Mistletoe: http://www.culture.gouv.fr/culture/noel/angl/gui.htm Ancient Origins: Yule: http://www.candlegrove.com/mistletoe.html Bering Land Bridge National Preserve: http://www.nps.gov/bela/html/rangifer.htm Central Pets.com: http://centralpets.com/pages/critterpages/mammals/other_exotics/OEX476 2.shtml ************************************** To reader: After much consideration, I decided to go with an open- ended sort of ending where Natalie's blood calms Nick and thus he might regain his mortality or he may eventually bring Natalie across. I left it up to you to decide the outcome, and for that matter, what Natalie's gift was to Nick. In regards to the song: I poured over an endless selection of Christmas songs, especially ones sung by ol' blues eyes, Frank Sinatra. I couldn't come up with anything that truly epitomized the N&N relationship, so I went with one of my non-Christmas Sinatra favorites, All the Way. I've always wanted to write a N&N story using this song. I love the lyrics and the message of deep love the song evokes. In conclusion, I would like to say that of the stories I've written so far, this one was the most fun and satisfying to write. First of all, I loved the challenges and as I wrote, even learned something about two of them, mistletoe and reindeer. I hope you did, too. Secondly, because it was a Christmas story, when writing it, I wanted to stay within the spirit of the holiday season, and what Christmas (or for that matter, any of the holidays~ Hanukkah, Kwanza, etc…) means: hope, love, faith, giving, sharing, just to name a few. So in reading this tale, I hope you came away feeling the same way. As always, if my tale affected you in any way, please let me know at: psmoot43@hotmail.com or pas_20197@yahoo.com