Mandy This is a vaguely NN story, predating the start of the series. WARNING: SOB STORY. Three weeks ago I had to put my 14-year old cat Sammy to sleep. This story is my way of coping with that event, and is very closely parelleled to my own experiences. It is very explicit in detail, so if the thought of putting a pet to sleep bothers you DO NOT READ. Nick and Natalie belong to Sony Tristar, and all events are fictional. Permission granted to archive at the FTP site, and ================================================== Part 1 Nick walked into the morgue, still getting used to coming and going as an employee instead of a clandestine visitor after a year. He walked down the long tiled hallway and picked up the sound of Natalie’s heartbeat. He smiled to himself as he picked up his pace. He approached the door and started to knock, when he heard Natalie’s voice, filled with sadness. “Thank you, Doctor Rhemes. I’ll be there in an hour.” Nick opened the door, and saw tears streaming down her face, her mascara and eye makeup running. She was just hanging up the phone and moving to take off her lab coat. She looked up when she saw him walk through the door. “Nat, what’s wrong?” She sobbed and walked into his arms. “ Nick, it’s Mandy. The vet just called to tell me that she took a turn for the worse, I…I have to go to his office and have her put to sleep.” Deep sobs shook her body as Nick held her. “Oh, Nat. I’m so sorry. I know you were hoping there was something they could do for her.” She sniffed and pulled back. “It turned out to be cancer after all. I mean, she’s eighteen years old. She’s had a good life, but I’ve had her since I was in junior high. I’ve never had to put a pet to sleep.” She bustled around. “I need to call Vance and ask him if he can take care of things. Oh, and I have to call my director and tell him I won’t be in tomorrow.” Nick reached out and caught her sleeve to spin her around to face him. “Let me go with you. You shouldn’t be alone at a time like this.” “Nick, are you sure?” “Positive. I’ll call Stonetree on the way and have him call Vance.” A weak smile crossed her lips. “Thanks Nick. I just se-“ Nick put a finger to her lips. “Shh. It’s okay. Let’s go.” He moved his hand to hers and squeezed it. They exited into the humid summer night toward the Caddy. Part 2 Nick pulled up outside the one-story twenty-four hour vet clinic and parked, cutting the engine. He turned toward Natalie, watching the tears stream silently down her face as she stared out the winshield. “Nat, do you want me to wait here for you?” She turned to him. “Would you be willing to come in with me? Please?” Her voice cracked a bit on the last word. “Sure.” He got out the driver’s side and walked around to the passenger side, opening the door for her. Exiting the car, she looked at the cement one-story building in front of her. Tears stood in the corners of her eyes. She took a deep breath and walked in the glass doors. The receptionist recognized her, and compassion shone in her eyes. "I'm so sorry, Natalie. I need you to fill out some forms and then I'll take you to see Mandy." She handed Natalie a clipboard. Natalie reached out for the clipboard. The first form was a release and list of invoice services. She signed it and flipped to the second page, which was a disposition of the body. She broke down in sobs and put the clipboard on the counter, unable to read it. Nick took her in his arms and held her while she sobbed in despair. Nick felt helpless, not knowing what to do other than just giving her support. He stroked her hair and held her while she wept. After a few minutes she pulled back and sniffled. "I'm sorry, I ruined your shirt." "Nat, don't worry about it. Are you okay?" "No, but I need to finish this." She turned around and picked the clipboard back up. The choices were to take possession of the body for a private disposition, to have the ashes returned to her, or to have the ashes spread with other deceased pets in an apple orchard. The thought of taking the remains of her beloved feline with her roiled her stomache in revulsion. She checked the option to have the ashes spread in an apple orchard, signed the form, then handed the clipboard back to the recepitonist along with her credit card. The receptionist took the forms, ran her card and handed it back to her. "I'll be right back and I'll take you to Mandy, Natalie." Natalie followed the retreating form with her eyes. Nick put his arm around her shoulders, and she leaned into him. He could feel her shaking under his hand. Part 3 A few moments later, the receptionist appeared at a door off the waiting room and led them into a small exam room with the standard metal table. Nick and Natalie walked in. A few moments later, the receptionist returned carrying a blanket-wrapped Mandy, who meowed as soon as she saw Natalie, and struggled to leave the coccoon to get to her human. Trying to fight tears, Nat reached for the form. She pulled Mandy into her arms and snuggled her face into the thick orange striped head. As soon as the elderly cat felt and smelled Natalie she stopped struggling and started purring. She turned her head and started licking Natalie's face with her raspy tongue. Nick watched the trust Mandy placed in her mistress, and heard both the purr and the liquid rattling in the elderly cat's lungs. The receptionist started showing Natalie the button to press when she was ready to call the vet. Natalie nodded, just cuddling Mandy to her. The receptionist left and Natalie turned to Nick, stroking Mandy's head with one hand, reaching under her chin to scratch her. Mandy closed her eyes and purred more loudly. "Nick, how can I do this? How can I kill her?" Her eyes were filled with tears and guilt. He walked over to her and put his arm around her, letting the woman and the cat lean into him. "Nat, I can hear her lungs filling with liquid. She's already dying, and you told me that a natural death would not be easy or painless. It's your choice. But if you are with her, you are the last thing she will know as she falls asleep." Trying to stifle sobs, Natalie squeezed her cat, thinking on all the joy she had known with this sweet creature. She remembered her parents giving her a box for her twelfth birthday containing the small orange tiger-striped, fluffy kitten. From that momen, Mandy had been her constant companion, giving her love and comfort through the years. Natalie sighed and kissed Mandy's head, looking into her luminous gold eyes, fighting the tears streaming down her cheeks. "Oh Sweetie, I love you so much. I can't imagine a day without you in it. I cannot tell you how much joy you have brought me, the incredible dimension you have added to every day you have been in my life. I'll miss you." She whispered adoring nonsense to the cat as she walked over to the panel to push the button to call the vet in. She settled Mandy on the metal table, still murmuring to her. The door in the far wall opened and Doctor Rhemes, a stolid man in his middle years, entered. "Hi Natalie. I'm so sorry, we tried everything, but hasn't eaten anything in over twenty-four hours and she hasn't been drinking. She started vomiting bile about an hour ago, which means her organs are failing." Natalie nodded, and gently pulled Mandy's paws out of the blanket, showing a catheter in one of her forelegs. "Doctor Rhemes, this is my friend Nick." Nick and the vet nodded to each other. Natalie never took her eyes off of Mandy. "Natalie, have you ever been through this before?" Natalie shook her head. He held up a syringe. "Basically, what I'll be doing is giving Mandy a triple-strength anesthetic. She'll literally drift off to sleep. The process is very quick, usually less than an minute. Let me know when you're ready." Holding her beloved pet, continuing to scratch her chin, Natalie nodded. Doctor Rhemes inserted the syringe into the catheter and started slowly pushing the plunger. Natalie watched as Mandy's eyes closed and her purr stopped. Within five seconds the warm body went limp. She knew her beloved cat was no longer in pain. She closed her eyes as more tears leaked down her cheeks. Doctor Rhemes withdrew the syringe. "Do you need a couple of minutes?" Natalie shook her head and put the blanket-wrapped bundle on the table. "No, she's gone. Thank you for everything, I know you did everything you could." She turned to go, Nick opening the door for her. Tears streamed silently down her face as she left the building, bidding goodbye to her closest companion. They stood in the parking lot as she cried, silent tears. Nick took her in his arms and she leaned against him, his friendship a bulwark against the emptiness left by the loss of her sweet Mandy. ============================== Kristen Fife, August 1, 2006 All Rights reserved. Goodbye, Sammy. "The price for this gift is the darkness of the night, and the blood of humanity to sustain you." -THICKER THAN WATER, Kristen Fife in progress See my blog at