The Eyes of Truth By StormyNite Written in May/June of 1999 in honor of Katherine Robert's birthday. Part 1 The car sped by for the second time as Nat unloaded the last of her groceries and headed up the steps. Gunfire caught her attention as she pushed open her door for the third time. She dropped the bag and ran for the entrance as a scream pierced the air. "NOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!" Allison screamed as she ran to her fallen son on the sidewalk. Nat, using caution, pushed open the door and searched the area before running outside. "Let me look at him, Allison. I'm a doctor, remember?" She tried to pry Allison's hands off her son long enough for her to check for vital signs. The sirens could be heard in the distance as Nat said a silent prayer. "He's still alive, Allison. Run inside and call 911 while I see what I can do to slow the bleeding." Natalie applied pressure to the young man's carotid artery as she spoke calmly. Allison ran inside to the phone. "Come on , Jimmy. Fight for it. Don't let those little insects defeat you. You can do this." The boy moaned while Nat continued to apply pressure to his neck, just above the wound and to his femoral artery on his leg. The paramedics pulled up before Allison could return. "We've got it, Ms." The young paramedic said as he tried to pull Nat's hand away. "No you don't, unless you put your hand here. He'll bleed to death before you finish your exam, let alone get him to the hospital. I'm a doctor and the bullet nicked an artery. Just do the vitals and call him in while I hold the pressure point. I'm Doctor Natalie Lambert from Metro Division." The young paramedic nodded and hurried through the check, then helped load the young man on a stretcher after setting up a pressure tourniquet. -------- "I'm having a small group over to my house on Saturday. You and Nat should come over and get to meet a few of them." Schanke smiled and waited for Nick to push the idea of him and Nat as a couple back into the friendship category. "Thanks for the offer, Schanke, but I'm on duty on..." "81 Kilo we have another drive by shooting. Your presence is requested by Doctor Lambert. Do you copy?" Nick stared at the microphone, then grabbed for it. "This is 81 Kilo. Is Doctor Lambert all right?" Nick never hesitated with the question nor concerned himself with other thoughts at the moment. Schanke sat at attention and listened closely, while Nick turned the wheel of the green bomb with one hand and almost crushed the microphone in the other waiting for an answer. Schanke slapped the red light on the dash and hit the siren as the ancient caddy was floored to the max. "Doctor Lambert is fine, but requests your assistance. I'll tell her you are en route." Nick sighed in relief and tossed the microphone on the floor as he grabbed the wheel with both hands to turn another corner at top speed. Minutes later, Nick bolted from his car to find Natalie among the growing throng of spectators and policemen, sealing off the area. He spotted Natalie holding a crying woman in her late 40's. Both women were covered in blood. The fresh scent of the blood called to the vampire, along with the stress, but Nick pushed it back and hurried to her side. "It's okay, Allison. We'll get you to the hospital. I'll have the police drive you over. You can't do anything for Jimmy. He's in the doctor's hands now...and God's." Nat felt Nick's presence before she looked up. A sense of relief flooded her tired soul. She turned sad eyes to his and saw worry as he scanned her for injuries. He did care more than he'd let on. Why couldn't she get him to say it again? Did LaCroix's threats frighten him that much? Only time would tell and she could never let him know she remembered. It might push him away. Schanke appeared behind Nick. "Schank, can you make sure Allison gets a ride to the hospital? She's in no condition to answer questions at the moment. I need to talk with Nick for a second." Schanke nodded and offered his shoulder to the crying woman as he helped her over to a squad car. "Are you alright?" Nick whispered as Natalie rubbed the blood on her hands in an effort to remove it. The harder she rubbed, the more they began to shake. "It's okay, Nat." He placed his hands over hers to stop them from trembling. Tear-filled eyes met his and he was lost. Quickly, he wrapped her into his arms and held her close until she stopped sobbing. "I'm sorry, Nick...I..." She mumbled into his shoulder. "He was just so young and he was trying so hard to get away from those thugs. This is the 3rd boy in our neighborhood since the beginning of the year." Fear washed over her again, but Nick's strength and aura surrounded her like a protective cloud and she could feel it instantly. Soon she felt foolish, but hated to relinquish her hold. She only wished it could be this way without a major catastrophe, as it had been before. Nick felt her calm when he wrapped his arms around her. Her warmth and love wooed the man and his perfect memory flashed back to Valentine's Day and all the words of love they'd spoken. He pulled her closer and relived them even though she couldn't. The memory and feel of her in his arms made him complete as if it were his destiny, but he knew better. Reluctantly he released his hold and made her look at him. "Better?" His blue eyes questioned hers as she nodded in the affirmative, only the sadness he saw in her eyes was more complex than the shooting she'd witnessed. For an instant, he was sure she remembered everything and his heart lurched in fear, then she braced herself and placed the professional mask back in place. He watched in fascination and wondered if she'd seen him do it. "I'm better. Thanks, Nick. I guess I just needed a shoulder to cry on. It's been a hard year." Nat wiped her eyes and wondered again for the 1000th time if she really hadn't dreamed Valentine's Day. "I had better get downtown to make a statement. I don't think Allison will be in any shape for awhile until she knows about Jimmy. Could you drive me? I'm still a little shaky?" Without thinking, Nick gently wiped the errant tear that still glistened on her cheek and smiled. "Just let me tell Schank and we are out of here." Reluctantly he removed his hand and felt the void of warmth she always gave him. She nodded and Nick went in search of Schanke. ---------- Nick and Schanke stood in the captain's office and listened to her yell into the phone. It was rare to see the Captain lose control, but her frustration was at a fever pitch with the drive by, gang related shootings in the last 3 months. She slammed the receiver onto the cradle and glared at her two star detectives. "Well, that's another one. The mother refuses to testify for fear of her other kids. That leaves only Dr. Lambert and she only heard the shooting and witnessed the downed body. We are back to square one, gentlemen." Captain Cohen picked up the photo on her desk of the burnt out apartment building. "I can't say I really blame them and I understand their fear, but it's got to stop somewhere. I need an alternative, gentlemen. Any suggestions?" She looked at her two prize detectives. "We can't add any more cruisers in the neighborhood. They'd just move to another. We need multiple eyes that can't be intimidated." Schanke turned to his partner and smiled. "Know anyone like that?" Nick smiled at his partner. "Oh, I don't know, Schank. I think I'm in real need of moving into an apartment. How about you?" "I got got nights! Agreed?" "Done." Both men smiled at the Captain. "Now who's telling Dr. Lambert she's got houseguests 24-7?" The Captain stared at Nick and raised an eye quizzically. "I get the picture, Captain. I'll try to break it to her gently, but it's not going to go over well. --------------- Nat striped her gloves off, tossed them into the biohazard bin and stared at the covered body on the table. Jimmy was only 16 years old. This had to stop. A tear slipped from her eye as she headed back toward her desk to file the report. Although the hospital had done everything possible, the young boy's body just couldn't overcome the damage. She sat down at her desk and gave in to the emotion. Nick heard her crying and rushed into the room. Quickly he pulled her into his arms and let her cry. "Why, Nick? He was so young. What possible reason could there be for killing him? He didn't belong to the gang. He didn't do drugs. He was a good kid." She sniffed and rubbed her eyes. "I hate this! It has to stop and someone has to stand up to these low-lifes!" Anger overcame her as she stared into his bright blue eyes. "I'm glad you feel that way, Nat. Schank and I have a plan, but we need your place to pull it off." He waited for her to scream, knowing how much she valued her privacy. "If it takes these slime off the street, then my place is yours for as long as you need it!" She stared at him with determination written on her face. Nick smiled, relieved. He loved the fire in her eyes. When she got that determined look, the bad guys were in trouble. "The problem has been getting an eyewitness willing to who has no kids or anyone to use against them. So Schank and I are going to take turns living at your apartment building. I want you to move into my place until this is over..." "No way, Nick Knight. You use my have to keep me as well. Besides, I'll testify and you know it." She waited for him to object. "Nat, it could be risky and these kids are dangerous. I don't want them singling you out." He reached over to caress her cheek and she stopped his hand. "No, Nick! I'm staying. I want to help. This is my neighborhood, my friends and..." She pointed to the covered body on the table. "...he was a good kid. I 'm not letting him die without a fight. I'm a big girl and if it makes you feel better, I'll take the teaching position at the University for a month to decrease the amount of time I'm under your feet...But it's my house and my responsibility. I don't have any kids, so they can't use that against me. Besides, you and Schanke may need someone to spell you." She smiled and turned on the charm. Nick was not immune and it was against his better judgement, but he knew when to give up the fight. A part of him admired her even more. "Okay, but no chances...understood? I don't want to have to worry about you if it comes to a fire-fight." He waited for her to agree, not realizing what he just admitted. Nat smiled and clasped her hand over his. "And here I thought you didn't care." She watched his expression change and then he slammed the professional mask back in place once more. "Nice try, Nick, but not fast enough. I've been around you too long." She reached over and grabbed her coat, then turned back to him. "Let's get started. I've got a few phone calls to make to the University...and you have a little friend that will require your attention." Nick raised a questioning eye. Nat laughed. "Syd doesn't take well to overnight houseguests. So unless you want to spend the next couple of weeks healing from 'Mr. Protective', then we'd better stop by the grocery and pick up some appeasement food." She grabbed his hand with a knowing smile and felt good for the first time in a long time. End Part 1 All Comments to: Part 2 ------------- Nat walked into the classroom carrying an armload of books. A tall, dark gentlemen sat behind the desk writing feverishly, but she knew he was aware of her presence. She walked over to the desk and waited. It was a test of wills, but something deep inside told her that patience was a virtue. In the meantime, she analyzed his dark brown head and the exquisite quality of his suit and the way he wore it. He was obviously not the normal academian. Maybe she was in the wrong place after all. Finally he laid the pen down and looked up. Warm brown eyes danced with mischief and warmth as he openly appraised the woman before him. He smiled when he realized she wasn't intimidated by him That was unusual in itself. He had incredible power over most women, especially beautiful women. She still remained silent and that gave her more points. He hated chatty women. "You must be Dr. Lambert." His smooth baritone voice caressed her like a warm blanket and she reacted to it immediately. "Yes. Am I in the right place? You don't fit the description of Dr. Elmore I was given, unless you hide your age really well." She smiled and her whole face became even more lovely. He almost gasped and caught himself at the last moment. "No, I'm Graham Stockton. Dr. Elmore was called away on a family emergency and I was asked to take over for him." He extended his hand in friendship. Nat grasped it firmly and enjoyed the electricity that passed between them. Maybe this wouldn't be such a drab assignment after all. She released his hand and sat down in the chair in front of him. "I take it you will be monitoring the progress of the class?" "From time to time, Doctor. The University is delighted you agreed to teach for the next month. Our pathology courses here are in grave need of updating. I may sit through most of the lectures myself. Forensic medicine intrigues me, who knows, it may help me in my archaeological endeavors in the future." He smiled and Nat felt more than a mild attraction to this attractive man. "Shall we get to it? I'll show you the first outline before the students get here." She asked as she opened her portfolio. ------------- Nick paced around the apartment listening to every little nuance in the building. He missed having Nat here. She started teaching the night course at the university to keep her out of harm's way, but Nick missed having her around. She'd made the whole transition easy and he loved spending the time with her. The more he was around her, the more he admired her spirit and tenacity. She managed to keep a tight reign on her anger at the situation and made him feel welcome in her home. She'd cleared the entire bottom shelf of the fridge for his bloodwine and only motioned once to the protein shakes on the top shelf. He'd managed to get down a couple of them just to keep her happy. Nick watched the car circle the corner for the third time in less than a half hour. This was the group and they were searching for a victim. As much as he wanted to go out and break all their necks, it wouldn't hold up in court. He needed to be a witness to their actions. Just how he was going to keep someone from getting killed to do it...was another problem. The street was silent and they drove on out of the neighborhood. Gold flecks danced in Nick's eyes as he watched them turn the corner and disappear. ------------------ Nat finished the lecture and most of the students stopped by to tell her how much they appreciated the new information. All in all, it was a very satisfying experience. Graham approached her as she put the final papers into her brief. "I had no idea the police department was capable of doing that. It would appear I'm a bit behind the times. I think I need to take your whole course." He smiled and the warmth in his smile encompassed his whole body. If possible, he became even more attractive. Nat admired him and enjoyed the feelings of being flattered as well as his flirtatious attitude toward her. She missed the attention and it made her feel pretty once more. She marveled at his ability to turn on the charm, which made her wonder just how much was real and how much was for sex. As soon as the thought passed her mind, she chastised herself for being so prejudiced against the male species. Then again what was wrong with a little sex? She certainly hadn't been getting any and it didn't look like she would anytime in the near future. If Nick was true to form, she would never get any. She smiled warmly in return and let the idea of making wild, uninhibited, passionate love engulf her. She was sure the red crept to her face as the thoughts and mental images played havoc with her senses until she pushed it back where it belonged and lowered her eyes to avoid his. "Thanks, Graham. You are welcome any time." He reached over to take her briefcase like a gentleman. "Can I buy you a cup of coffee before you call it a night?" He asked hopefully. She nodded in acceptance. ----------------- Graham tossed the keys on the counter and headed for the refrigerator. Grasping the first bottle he saw, he poured a wineglass full and headed for the living room and his companion. "Well, what are your first impressions?" The tall, redhead said calmly as Graham settled into the chair. "She's beautiful, bright, warm, skeptical and a challenge. She's the type of woman we all dream of capturing our heart. There's an underlying fear beneath the surface, but it's of me. She's attracted to me, but not overwhelmed. I find that exciting. I've never found one who has as much control as she does. It is possible she could be one of us. I'll know more as we progress." Graham sipped the wine. Pithius turned back to his partner. "Don't get involved, Graham. It's not part of the plan." I have more work to do. I will see you tomorrow. The tall redhead turned quietly and walked out the door. ---------------- It was almost 2 a.m. Where was Nat? Her class was over just after 10. He didn't like this. Maybe something had happened on campus. Nick paced the floor and let all sorts of scenarios play in his mind. He went to the refrigerator and pulled the second bottle off the shelf. He pulled the cork and downed half the contents without stopping. This had to stop. He stared at the bottle in his hands. Nat was a big girl and she'd made it this long without his help. Besides what right did he have to pry into her personal life? He gave that up 6 months ago. He heard the car pull up next to the curb, so he quickly searched the street for the unwanted car as she grabbed her briefcase and headed into the building. Nat analyzed the evening and the attraction she felt for Graham. Why was it she felt the necessity to analyze everything. She shook her head in disgust. At least he wasn't one of the undead. She stared at her hand and relived the warmth and electricity she'd felt between them. Was it just imagination or was he trying to tell her something? Wishful thinking on her part or was it something else? She pushed open the door to find Nick staring out the window into the darkness. He didn't turn to acknowledge her presence or even say hello. "Hello to you, too, Nick Knight, the ever vigilant detective on duty all night." She chuckled as he still refused to turn and greet her. This wasn't like him, so she walked over to make him spill the beans. He stood like a statue at the window watching the traffic, or lack thereof, pass below him. She could feel anger surrounding him as she touched his sleeve. He still didn't respond. "You want to tell me what's wrong?" She waited patiently. "Nothing is wrong, Natalie. I'm just doing my job. Just trying to make sure no one gets shot or mugged while they get out of their car in the early hours of the morning." The words had come out a little harsher than he'd intended. He wanted to kick himself for letting his emotions override his brain. Where had she been? Was she going to tell him? Who was she with? A thousand questions popped into his brain so he slammed his mouth shut before he made a complete ass of himself. His anger was almost palpable and gold flecks dusted his eyes. It was a reminder of just how much power he controlled at any given time and the evil that was capable of surging forth at any moment. She watched him fight with the questions and squelch the naturally tendency to blurt out what really bothered him. Maybe he did care after all. Was it fair to tell him she'd found an intriguing man that found her attractive? Would it push him over the edge and make him tell her exactly why he said those hateful words in front of his master? Did she want him to? The more she thought about it, the more she couldn't decide. She released his arm, stepped back to take a deep breath and decided to play it by ear. "I'm going to bed. I'll see you tomorrow." She turned and headed for the door. He watched her react to the anger and back away. He couldn't blame her. What right did he have to be angry? He should let her go, walk away from this whole thing and move on. His heart beat twice with the thought as he watched her walk across the room. She had a right to happiness and he couldn't give it to her. He was acting like a jealous lover. She was his best friend. Friends didn't treat each other this way. "Did you have a good time?" He asked softly, causing her to turn. She felt the pain and the resignation in his voice like a physical blow. He did care...and so did she. Her sad eyes locked with his. "It was a nice evening. I'd rather have been elsewhere, but we don't always get what we want in this world. Life is too short for some of us to hang onto a dream." A great sadness washed over her, along with a deep sense of longing that she couldn't control. "Nat?" He was at her side immediately. She placed her hands on his chest to stop him before he reached for her. "Dreams are so fragile and I'm tired...very tired." She turned and walked into the bedroom. Part 3 2 weeks later: Graham watched her finish the class from a distance. She was so beautiful it took his breath away. She was the genuine article ... nothing pretentious, honest, hard working, totally unaware of how pretty she was. The men in Toronto had to be blind. He'd asked her to breakfast, dinner, coffee after class and she'd accepted them all as if she was searching for something in him. There was another man in her life and he was being compared. He'd been around enough beautiful women to know the signs well, but apparently the relationship left something to be desired or she wouldn't be looking ... and she was looking. She'd let him kiss her chastely, but nothing more. Graham watched the class respond to her. It was apparent they enjoyed what she had to say. Her view and approach to science was innovative, yet methodical. She had potential from every avenue, but he wanted more. Would she agree? The question was how far would he have to go to get it? She spotted him in the back of the room and smiled. A few minutes later the bell rang and the class dispersed. Graham had decided it was time to move forward. "Looks like you have them hook, line and sinker." He smiled and reached to pick up her books and help her place them in her briefcase. "They are searching for other avenues to stimulate them in a field most find boring. Either you see forensic science as a puzzle or you're bored. There is no in-between. How about you? Are we just boring research people or problem-solvers?" She looked at him with great expectations. "To be honest, I'm not sure. It's a science I never considered and you've done more in the last 2 weeks to convince me that a good ME can make or break an investigation. So I guess I'm leaning to the problem-solver point of view." He smiled boyishly. Nat was not immune. "Well, why don't you let me take you over to the morgue and introduce you to where the real work is done? I have to cover for a friend who's ill tonight. If you want to see the real action, here's your chance." Nat waited for an answer, not sure if she wanted him to see it or not. There was something about Graham that made her nervous. Maybe it was her attraction to him, but at least it was a human reaction. She stopped in mid-thought and berated herself again. She was doing it again. She had to stop. There was no future with Nick. Here was a perfect, red- blooded, handsome male who found her attractive and she was trying to scare him off by asking him to watch her cut up dead bodies. She was a sick person. "Now that I think about it, maybe you'd better not. It's not everyone's cup of tea. I keep forgetting that." She looked a bit depressed when he hadn't readily accepted, but in a sense she was relieved. Maybe she wouldn't scare him off after all. "I'd love to come by and watch you work, and maybe I will a little later. I have a friend who needs help this evening and I promised I'd stop by. How late are you on shift?" He watched the pleasure wash across her features. "I'll be there till almost noon. So anytime is fine." "I'll walk you to your car and then I'm off. " Graham picked up her briefcase and they headed for the door. -------------- Nick watched closely as the Winstons unloaded the trunkload of groceries from their car. It was Jacob's last trip and Nick went down to help. He sensed the car, a long time before he saw it clear the corner. The car swept down the street and automatic weapons appeared magically in the windows and blazed to life. Nick flew to cover Jacob's body with his own as he pushed the old man into the stairwell for safety. Unaffected by the bullets that penetrated his skin, Nick took off at a fast run until out of sight, then flew a block ahead of the car. Planting his feet and taking careful aim, he unloaded his 9mm into the car careening at top speed toward him. The first bullet took out the driver and they crashed into the garbage bins along the street, slowing the vehicle. The brick wall completed the chore, and the fourbyoung men scrambled out of the smoldering vehicle. "Freeze! Police!" Nick screamed and laid 2 shots at their feet for affect. The boys halted and threw down their weapons. "Kiss the concrete, gentlemen, and don't try anything that will cause me to have a nervous twitch." Nick growled. Sirens could be heard in the distance as Nick kept his eye on the boys and searched them methodically as they lay on the ground. Two marked cruisers rounded the corner. "You're a dead man, pig. You'll never live long enough to make it to court." The young punk leader twisted and laughed at Nick as his cuffs were tightened on his wrist. "I'm out in 12 hours, because no one will testify. I guarantee it!" Nick jerked him to his feet and let the gold flecks touch his eyes as his hissed the words and let his power wash over the piece of human trash he held before him. "Wrong again, slime. No threats will work this time, because I'm the witness. You'll find there is not much that scares me anymore!" Nick let the gold glow touch his eyes and the boy screamed in terror. "What ... what are you, man?" The boy scooted away on the ground. Nick knelt down in front of him and smiled. "Your worst nightmare come true. Remember that when you drift off to sleep along with all those innocent people you killed. There is a price for everything and someone is always watching you." "Detective Knight?" The officer stood waiting for an order. "Take him away, Jenkins. Book them for attempted murder, leaving the scene of an accident ... and I'll think of a few others before I get downtown." Nick glared at the young boy, then walked off to check on Jacob. Nick found him wrapped in a blanket, sitting with his wife on the step talking with Schanke. Nick was not surprised to find Schank there even if he wasn't on duty for another couple of hours ... once a nightshift person, always a nightshift person. "Nick, you okay?" Schank said, a bit relieved to see his partner in one piece. "Jacob said he was sure you'd been hit. You threw your body over his to protect him." Schanke noticed the hole in Nick's suit-jacket and waited for an explanation. "Just missed me, Schank." He pulled his jacket out to inspect the damage. "Guess I can trash this one. Between the bullet holes and the tears from the sidewalk I think it's a goner." Nick looked aggravated, but Schanke saw no visible harm on his partner and wrote it off as good luck. "Are you okay, Jacob? We need you to go downtown and fill out a statement. We are going to put these hoodlums behind bars for good this time." Nick turned concerned eyes back to the older gentleman. "I'm fine, Detective. Thank you for saving my life, but ... I ... I ... can't be of any help. They'd kill Martha. I'm sorry ..." He sighed in defeat. "I'm just not that brave." Tired sad eyes met Nick's. "It's okay, Jacob. I understand. You go downtown and make a statement about what you saw and you won't have to testify. I promise you. I'm the eye witness and I don't scare easily." Nick smiled and patted the old man's hand, then helped him up. -------------- "He could have killed them." Graham said softly to Pithius, who stood silently watching the proceedings in front of them. "Yes, but he controlled the beast and refused to play judge and jury. Interesting! Interesting indeed!" Pithius smiled, then stepped back into the shadows and disappeared. -------------- Nat stepped out of the car and walked quickly to Nick's side. Checking for listening ears she spoke softly into his ear. "Are you okay?" Worried eyes met his. He saw the fear and worry ... and deep inside, it pleased him. So much had changed since Valentine's Day. He tried to go back to the kidding and camaraderie they once had, but he couldn't. As much as he tried, she'd sensed the change even if she couldn't remember it. They were both hurting now and it tore at what was left of his soul. He wanted so much for her to say the words she whispered into his ear as his lips met hers, but only he could remember them, and the thought of her with another man tore him apart. He clasped her hand in his, pressed it onto his chest and got control of his emotions before he spoke. "I'm fine, Nat. Carrying a little extra metal than normal." His eyes searched hers before he whispered. "Maybe you could help me with that before I have to go make a statement." He eyed her hopefully as he moved his shoulder uncomfortably. "I'm done already. Let's go inside the apartment, away from prying eyes, and let me play doctor on you for awhile." She smiled mischievously, then offered him her hand. The police had taped the crime scene and dispersed the crowd. There wasn't much left to do until they got to the precinct. It had the prospects of being a long night. Schanke followed them into the apartment. "Is there a problem, Schank?" Nick turned questioning eyes to his partner. "No, No, Nick! I was just going to wait on you and get all the details before we interrogate those pieces of filth, but hey if you two want to be alone ..." He smiled wickedly ... "I mean I understand completely. A guy's got to have ..." "Shut up, Schank. Go to the precinct. I'll be there shortly. Nat needs to pick up a few things and I'm giving her a lift. Don't go reading anything into it." Frustration was laced into Nick's voice as he glared at his partner. "Okay, okay ... I get it. I'll just meet you at the station." Schanke turned and walked toward his car. "Friends ... right?" ----------- Nick sat down at the table, pulled his shirt off his shoulder and winced at the pain in his back. Natalie caught it immediately. "Here, let me help. She slipped his dark blue silk shirt off his other shoulder and started examining the damage. The bullet hole was healing over, but he winced as she palpated the wound. "Nick, you can feel that?" She pressed a little harder and he gasped briefly. She came around to face him. "What's going on, Nick? You've never felt that before. Before, I could cut into your shoulder and you'd never twitch. How long has this been going on?" Anxious eyes met his. "Must be all those protein shakes." He smiled boyishly. "Nick, I can't cut into your back like this. It will hurt like hell if your nerves are regenerating. I mean it's a good sign, but I could hurt you badly. You need to go to the hospital, get some local anesthetic and have them removed." He grasped her arm gently. "And who is going to answer all the questions about my blood and why I'm not dead with a piece of lead in me the size of a house." He looked at her for understanding. "It's not that big, Nick." She realized when she spoke, it must have felt that way from his point of view ... and that bothered her more. "Just take it out, Nat. I'll survive it. Just ignore the screams. I promise not to sue." He smiled hopefully, then made her agree before he released her hands. "It's the only choice. They have to come out, we need the evidence and they hurt like hell! So you think maybe we could get it over with?" He sat down in the chair. She sighed in resignation, but knew he was right. There would be too many questions, but if he could feel it ... Nat started probing gently with the forceps, causing him to bleed. His quick intake of breath and the contractions of his muscles told her he felt it. "Nick, I'm not sure I can do this." She probed a little deeper and he lurched and barely controlled the scream trying to escape his lips. She dropped the scalpel and ran around to his side. His forehead had broken out in a blood sweat and he panted for breath. "This isn't going to work. I can't hurt you like this." He grabbed her wrist and wrapped cool fingers around her tiny hand. "Please, Nat. Just finish it. I can stand it. Just finish it!" He growled in frustration as the bullet moved when his shoulder flexed. Nat returned to his back and pushed deeper into the wound. A small groan escaped his lips when she touched the bullet. "I've got it, Nick. Just hang on." She braced his shoulder and forced the probe deeper into his back and clamped the end to the bullet. A quick pull and the tissue released its hold on the metal. "Got it!" She yelled as he fell forward and laid his head on the table before him. She applied pressure to the wound, then decided other measures were needed and headed for the refrigerator. When she returned, she quickly poured blood into the glass she'd brought. "Drink this, Nick!" She placed the cup into his hand and he lifted his head with the first scent of the blood in the air. He stared at her incredulously and she forced the glass to his lips. "You need it. Just drink it." He placed the glass to his lips and threw the contents back in one gulp. As soon as the blood hit the back of his throat, his eyes flared golden in search of more. Natalie quickly filled the glass and he inhaled it as quickly as the first. The healing effects were immediate. The pain began to disappear as the bleeding slowed and he began to heal right before her eyes. No matter how many times she'd seen it, she couldn't help but marvel at the effect. After finishing the bottle, Nick had control once more. Never once retreating, she calmly knelt on the floor in front of him and waited for the man to return to control. "I'm sorry. I never meant to hurt you. I should have taken you to the hospital, or at least called someone who could ..." He placed his finger on her lips, then trailed it down her chin as he stared into her bright blue eyes filled with guilt. "There is no one who could have helped me better than you, Nat. Thank you." He said softly. She wrapped her fingers around his and knew just how much they'd lost since that fateful day 6 months ago. Her warmth and caring had started the changes within him. He knew that as sure as the sun would rise in the morning, but she deserved a life of her own. Centuries ago he'd thrown away his chance at a normal life. He'd make sure she didn't make the same mistake. She stared at him as a myriad of emotions flashed across his face, but she only wanted one to stay and make her whole. He warred with himself and wouldn't let her even fight. She wanted to shake him so hard, to make him understand, but alas, it wasn't to be tonight. "I'd better get going. I'm on the clock until noon and I have 2 customers waiting." She said wearily. "You need to get some rest, then let me run some tests. This is all virgin territory and we have to figure out what's going on." "I have to go in and make a report. They are going to evacuate the building until after the trial. The police are putting everyone in safe houses to prevent any further backlash from the gangs. I want you to stay at the loft. You'll be safe there." He waited for her to agree and see the logic behind it. "I don't think that's a good idea, Nick. I have to work a few days as well as nights, then there's Sydney, and I do have a personal life." She watched him closely. If he would just ask her about Graham, just question if it was anything serious, she'd know which of the words that played constantly in her dreams were real. At first anger flashed in his eyes, then something else before he managed to put that infamous mask of cold indifference back into place. He was so good at it. "Bring Sydney and your new friend to the loft. I'll move to the Raven to give you privacy if that's what you need. I just want you ..." Anger flashed instantly in her eyes. "Great Nick! I suppose it would make you happy for me to make mad, passionate love to Graham on those satin sheets of yours." She stood and headed for the door. At least she knew where she stood. "Nat!" He reached for her, but she pulled away. "I only wanted you happy. I just want you to have a normal life like you deserve." Angry eyes turned back to his, filled with such pain that a tear slid silently down her cheek and ripped his heart in two. "If you wanted to make me happy, Nick, you'd tell me those hateful words you spoke at the Azure were all lies." She wiped the tear away and took a deep breath. "But I guess I know where I stand now, don't I? I'm sorry I was so naïve and made you feel obligated to humor the little mortal. I would have helped you without all the lies, all the soft words of something between us. My fault for being so stupid, but then again you've had centuries to practice the art form of persuasion. I thought we had something more ... at least I did." She turned and walked out the door. "Nat!" A wave of nausea swept over him as he tried to stop the door, but she didn't hear or stop as she ran down the hall. Part 4 Nat finished the autopsy without a word. Grace had heard or not heard enough by the end. "Okay, out with it, Natalie" Grace sat down on Nat's desk, refusing to budge. Nat turned a blank professional face to her friend. "It's simply a suicide, Grace. Nothing more, just a waste, as all suicides are." Nat striped the gloves off and tossed them in the trash. "No, I mean the silence, the brooding, the mumbling to yourself ... and let's not forget the anger. My question is ... what has he done this time?" Grace smiled and waited knowingly. "I haven't a clue what you're talking about, Grace. My personal life has taken a brighter turn lately." Nat tried to act coy and girlish, but the sadness behind her eyes gave credence to Grace's concern. "Really? And I suppose none of this anger has anything to do with a blond detective who has been absent a great deal lately?" Grace waited for Nat to deny their relationship as usual. "My relationship with Nick is over, Grace. What was ... really wasn't, and it's time I moved on. One sided affairs are not my cup of tea and I'm not getting any younger." She heard a soft knock on the door. "Come in." Nat said calmly and Graham stuck his head around the corner. "Is this the right place?" He smiled warmly and Nat returned the gesture. "Yup, you found me." She turned a knowing eye to Grace, then walked over and pulled out a chair for Graham. "Welcome to my little piece of the world, Graham. This is Grace ... friend, co- worker, worry-wart and all around busy-body ... but she means well. Did you stop by for the 10 cent tour?" Nat perked up partially for Grace's sake and the fact that she liked Graham's company. "Actually, I thought I'd forgo that and take you to lunch. I'm not much into dead bodies. It sort of ruins my appetite. Are you game?" He asked hopefully. "As luck would have it, I just finished and I would love to have lunch with you. Just let me wash up and grab my coat." Nat headed for the sink, pulled off her cover-up and reached for her jacket. A few minutes later they disappeared out the door. ------------ Nick paced the floor of the loft. Sleep was out of the question. Natalie was off the clock at noon and according to Grace, she left right on time. She'd been very closed mouth about where she'd gone, but Grace didn't seem worried. By the time the clock struck 3 p.m., Nick was becoming agitated. Blast the sun. He stared at the shutters, knowing full well he couldn't leave for another 3 hours. Where was she? She was angry, but Natalie wasn't stupid. He'd called the safe house and she hadn't shown up or even called. There had been one attempt at a bombing on the apartment house, but everyone was safe and moving again. Nick reached for his 3rd bottle of blood in less than 3 hours. She remembered the night at Azure. All the hateful things he'd said to convince LaCroix she was nothing special, but she had to remember the other words as well. Why hadn't she said anything? The more he thought about it, the clearer it became. She'd remembered both words and didn't know which to believe, so she waited for a sign from him ... only he hadn't given her any. He'd tried to pick up where they'd left off, but it wasn't working. He loved her ... and that love would get her killed. He had no right to condemn her to his darkness or deny her a normal life. That wasn't love, it was complete selfishness on his part. So he'd backed off and all but pushed her into this new relationship. Nick collapsed on the couch and growled in frustration. This had to end. He was going crazy and so was she. He should leave with her angry and seal his coffin once and for all, but his heart wouldn't let him. He knew how much he'd hurt her and he couldn't let that be. He had to make her forget ever meeting him. It was the only answer. Then he'd just have to learn to live without her. ------------- They'd finished lunch and Graham invited her up for drinks at his place. Shocked when she accepted, he began to delve into what was happening. He could see and feel the pain behind her pleasant facade all afternoon. It was time to make her see the truth. If he was guessing, Knight had finally decided to back away and give her a chance at a normal life. Graham snorted at the idea, having done it several times to protect the ones he loved. It was just another sign. A step in a progression that had been written a long time before, only he had been foolish enough to fall for this lovely creature as well. She reminded him so much at times of Gabriel that it hurt. Maybe his destiny would change as well after this. He still had hope. "It's lovely, Graham. Do you live here alone?" Nat admired the view from the balcony. "Actually my brother shares it with me when he's in town. The condominium actually belonged to my mother. We just never got rid of it. We use it when we're here and rent it out by the week when we're gone. It's done fairly well for us." Graham offered her a glass of wine and a chair as the wind whipped her auburn tresses into her face. She smiled and accepted both. "So, you want to talk about it? I heard on the news your apartment building was hit again, but they caught them. Do you think the witness will stand up this time?" Graham had read about the recent gang slaying and harassment in certain sections of town and the police's inability to get a witness. Nat stared at the red wine for a moment, then drank a large mouthful. It was sweet and fruity, just the way she liked it. Pride flashed across her features when she spoke. "It's doubtful that they will intimidate this witness. He's a police officer. Detective Knight and Schanke have been alternating shifts at my apartment to try and catch these kids. It was one of the reasons I started teaching at the university. They needed me out of the way." She smirked and rolled her eyes. "I really can't blame them, it's hard with someone around to keep focused on the street. They made a run tonight and Nick caught them. He was an eyewitness to the attempted murder, the drive-by and confiscated the weapons at the scene. He'll testify, but they've evacuated my building and put everyone in safe houses until after the trial. The police aren't taking any chances of fire bombs, threats against family...not that Nick has one ... but they could hold people hostage and it might work." She thought about it for a moment. "Would he trade his life for theirs?" Graham asked innocently. "Without a doubt, but that wouldn't get them off the street. So this is the smart thing to do. Maybe this time we'll get our neighborhood back. Nick has a tendency to always try and do the right thing, but when lives are at stake and something goes wrong, he blames himself. I'm glad they evacuated the building." She thought about it and smiled. She understood the need for caution. "It would appear you and the good detective are close." Graham waited for her to deny it while he watched her body language closely. Sad eyes met his. "We're just friends ... nothing more." She rose and started back inside the lovely condominium. "Really?" Graham asked softly, then appeared behind her. "Then you wouldn't object if I kissed you." He turned her in his arms and laid his lips gently against hers. First softly, then with more force, letting the electricity he felt between them ignite the passion. Natalie was shocked, then pleased as the feelings inside intensified and the pleasure coursed through her body. What was it about this man that compelled her to him? The kiss was pleasant, almost erotic, but it lacked the one thing she craved the most ... love. She broke the embrace and stepped back. "What is it about you that attracts me to you, Graham?" She touched her lips where he'd kissed her and pushed into the memory of it. The pleasure surged through her once more until she gasped with the sensation. He watched in fascination. "You're attracted, yet you pull away. That tells me your heart is elsewhere or it wouldn't be possible." He walked to the kitchen and retrieved their bottle of wine. When he returned, he filled both glasses and sat her down on the couch beside him. "Tell me why your heart can't belong to me. Tell me what causes the pain I see in your eyes that you hide so well. Let me help you, Natalie." His warm brown eyes met hers and she felt so comfortable ... but she'd made promises and she wouldn't break them now. "Let's just say it's very complicated, yet simple. I made our relationship into something it wasn't and I got hurt. It happens and I have to live with it. It's not his fault. I wanted more than he could give and I haven't gotten over it. He's tried to give me room to see it, but I'm rather slow." She sipped her wine and stared into the deep dark color and relived the night of the Azure one more time. The hateful words, followed by the words of love he whispered into her ear after LaCroix had gone. Her heart wanted to believe the latter, but it wasn't what Nick said or what her head told her. She had to get over it and move on, but not just yet. "Maybe I just need time to wallow in my own stupidity so I don't make the same mistake again." She smiled sheepishly. "I'm sorry ... it's just too soon for me to get involved again." ""What does your heart tell you, Natalie? That is where the truth lies. It's not in your head. It's in your eyes and your heart ... and you love him very much. Don't throw it away without telling him." Graham held her hand in his. "Once, I loved a woman so much I told myself the only way to keep her safe was to leave. My love would destroy her and then I would die ... So I left. I came back 10 years later to find her chronically ill because she no longer had the will to live without me. I made a decision without her, in the name of love ... and to be honest ... I didn't give her a chance to tell me just exactly what I meant to her. She died in my arms vowing to wait for me on the other side. I love her still and compare every woman to her." "Be honest with yourself and make him see what he means to you. If he truly doesn't love you, walk away and don't look back. If you don't, you'll wonder if there wasn't something you could have done to make it work, something you didn't say or do. You'll spend the rest of your life regretting not telling him. Many times the ones we love don't love us in return, but most of the time we just can't tell each other what we feel because we're afraid of the truth. The truth shall set you free one way or another. Don't live in the hell of 'what if'." He took her hand in his and rubbed it gently. "You're a beautiful woman filled with love and passion for everyone around you. If he doesn't love you, he's a fool. Make him see that leaving you alone will never protect you from the evil in this world." Graham stood and pulled her to her feet. "I would love to claim you for myself, but my heart belongs elsewhere as does yours. Don't make the same mistakes I did." Natalie leaned over and kissed his cheek softly. "Thank you, Graham. You are right!" She smiled and felt at peace for the first time in longer than she could remember. Tonight she would face the truth and live with it. Part 5 adult It was almost dusk. Nick cracked the shutters to let the last rays of the sun flood the far side of the room. A great sadness crushed his heart and he felt the cold within him for the first time in a long time. She wasn't coming back to him. His stupidity and lack of vision had sent her directly to another man. His head told him it was the right thing to do, but his heart couldn't go along with it. Would he have confessed his love to her if she'd stayed? Could he protect her from LaCroix if he did? Was it fair to her? Could he watch her grow old and die without doing something about it? A thousand que stions screamed through his mind and he still didn't have the answers, then the lift kicked on. He listened carefully to her heartbeat and jumped to his feet. The cadence of her heart both excited and soothed him as he listened to the ever-familiar heartbeat of the only woman he'd ever truly loved. All those questions would be answered tonight, whether good or bad because she'd come for answers. In his heart he'd prayed she would at least give him a chance to explain. At least let him try to erase his existence from her memory so she had a chance, but could he live with it? She opened the lift door and stepped in. Her eyes locked with his and her heart skipped two full beats, but she didn't move. Finally, she gained control and walked into the room, laid her purse on the table and took off her jacket. She turned and locked eyes with his once more. Pain, regret, uncertainty and fear all registered on her face and Nick prepared himself. "We have to talk, Nick." "Someone told me tonight I had to be honest with myself before I could ever move on. That I had to look deep within myself and decide what it was I felt and what I wanted from my life. When I got past the anger and the hurt I found what I truly wanted hadn't changed. All my life I've wanted someone to trust me, to appreciate me for who and what I am. I wanted someone to share my fears and my hopes and love me just as much as I love them. When you woke up on my morgue table I was fascinated, intrigued, challenged for the first time in my life. The more I got to know you, I recognized just how lucky I was you are the man that you are instead of the beast you claim to be. When you trusted me with your secret and your very existence, you made me believe it was possible for two people to be a part of one another. You became my best friend ... and somewhere along the line I fell in love with you. I watched you fight with your newly forming emotions and reach out to people ... women ... but you always backed away from them ... except me, until 6 months ago. In my heart I wanted to believe it was because you loved me in some small way and that was enough. I have to admit I was scared to find out you actually cared for me, even if you never said you loved me, then after the Azure, I didn't know what to believe. You backed away, you refused to speak of it again, creating doubt and pain." An errant tear slid down her cheek as she spoke and it sliced his cold heart into pieces as it silently fell to the floor. He crossed the distance between in the time it takes to draw a breath and pulled her into his arms. He buried his head in her hair and inhaled the scent that was only truly hers into his soul. If he lived to be 2000, he'd never get the feel of her in his arms or the smell of her out of his heart. "I love you, Nick, and I always will. You are that part of me that I've been searching for all my life and no one can make me forget that." She pulled away from him and touched his face gently with her hand. "So, if you meant all those words you told LaCroix...I have to know. Be honest with me and with yourself. Either love me or let me go. Look into my eyes and tell me that we're just friends." She waited and held her breath. Fear was written in her eyes, but she would accept what he said as the truth. All logic told him to protect her from the evil within him, but the pain in his heart made it difficult for him to breathe, let alone speak. His silence she read as rejection and started to pull away. He clasped his hand over hers. "Don't, are my best friend but I..." A tear slipped out of her eye and he was lost. His lips claimed hers and she whimpered in need as he deepened the kiss, slid his tongue into her mouth and tasted every inch of her. A groan escaped his throat as she opened up to him and let her hands caress his body. His hands pulled her hard against him and demanded what both their bodies needed. He broke away from her lips to taste her sweet neck and the life's blood that pulsed in her throat calling the vampire. His eyes flared gold and the lust of the vampire matched the man's as he fought for control and fear swept over him. "Tell me you love this, Natalie!" He growled in frustration and made her look into the eyes of death. "Tell me you're willing to die to be with me, because I will kill you, or LaCroix will, because I love you. Tell me you're not afraid of the darkness, the bloodlust, the evil that I possess. Tell me how I can condemn you to something I hate. That isn't love, it's selfish possession." He was panting in frustration as he ground the last words out. The vampire surged forth and his eyes flamed red and he could feel her fear. "I didn't think so!" He released her face and stepped back in disgust of himself. She cleared the distance between them in one stride and brought his lips back to hers. For better or worse, she loved him completely and that meant the vampire too. She ran her tongue over his fangs and sliced the tissue. The vampire surged forth and sucked greedily and she was lost to the feel of them both. Lust, warmth, anger, pain, denial, frustration and his love of her flooded her senses all at once. "Say it, Nick. Say it or I swear I'll make you drain me right here and now, then we'll both live in hell without each other." She kissed him again. He nicked her lip and licked the blood until it healed as both the man and vampire waged war over this beautiful creature locked in his arms. He tore his lips from hers and gasped for control as images flooded his mind. She would risk anything to be with him and he stood in awe of the depth of the love he felt from her. She hadn't given in to Graham, nor the anger ... and come full circle with what she wanted...What she wanted more than life was him, Nicholas de Brabant Knight, vampire, crusader, cop, teacher, protector and friend. Gently he laid his forehead on hers and wept. "I love you, Natalie, and I don't want to live without you." Blood tears streaked his face as he stared into her beautiful blue eyes. "Forgive me for being such a fool, but I'm so scared I'll hurt you. Everything I've ever loved I've destroyed. I..." She placed her fingers over his lips. "Not this time, Nick. This time the man loves me as much as the vampire. This time we'll feed both and make us one. Make love to me, Nick, and let me love you the way you deserve to be loved. Everything else doesn't matter." His lips claimed hers as he picked her up and flew them upstairs. She bit his lip and licked the blood into her mouth. Pleasure and power flooded her senses and she wanted more. Her hands ran over the hard planes of his back and laced through his hair. She loved the feel of his hair as she met his tongue stroke for stroke. She found out quickly his fangs were very sensitive and she loved the response from him. Each touch, each caress made her want more as she broke away for air. Fear laced his golden eyes along with lust. "Help me, Nat. I want you to be a part of me forever. I want to be a part of you and make you realize how much I love you, but if I lose control, if the vampire's bloodlust...." She silenced him with a kiss and sliced her tongue once more on his razor sharp fangs. He responded immediately and sucked the precious nectar into his soul. Warmth flooded his senses and such passion that the man took control once more. Every fiber of his being wanted her and tonight they became one, either in the darkness or the light. His lips trailed down her throat to the base of her neck and he licked the salt as her pulse leaped toward his mouth. His hands worked magic and found the buttons to her blouse and before she realized, she was naked before him. Pleasure coursed through her veins as he nicked her breasts and suckled them until she stopped bleeding. His other hand trailed softly down her thigh as he picked her up and laid her gently onto his bed. Her auburn hair fanned the sheets as he'd imagined so many times before and her lips begged to be kissed. Lust and love shown brightly in her eyes as she reached for him. "Take off your clothes and get into this bed with me, Nick. Let me love you." Her eyes promised things he'd only dreamed of. He shed his clothes in seconds. As he removed his final shoe, she touched him gently. His hard shaft reacted immediately and she was fascinated with the response. Her eyes locked with his as her hands found his manhood and caressed him delicately at first, then more firmly with each stroke. He growled in appreciation and tried to make her lay down, but she refused. Watching his eyes closely, she sat on the edge of the bed and licked her way down the hard planes of his stomach. One hand kneaded his balls as the other caressed his tight buttocks, while her lips wove their own magic spell. "Natalie?" Nick panted as her lips came closer to their target and she watched his eyes flame red. "Nat, you can't do this. I won't be able to ..." His words caught in his throat as her lips slid over his hard cock and sucked him full into her mouth. Heat pulsed through him and a feeling of pleasure he'd only felt in dreams of his beloved Natalie, drove him close to madness. He was so large and with each touch he grew bigger, until she couldn't resist the urge to taste him as he had her. She watched the vampire surge forth, but felt the man react to her touch and she wanted them both. She sucked him full into her mouth and tasted the bloody precum at the tip of his hard cock. Pleasure coursed through her as she swallowed it and let his emotions become one with her. It was so erotic, so fulfilling and she wanted more ... so she sucked harder. He wound his hands in her hair, moved in rhythm to her strokes and gave into the lust she pulled forth. With each stroke she took him deeper into her throat and sucked harder as he pulled out. He stared down at her as she worked him into a state of need that only one thing could cure. He growled in frustration and she pulled him hard back into her mouth, until he begged. "Natalie, please not like this. I want to be inside you." He pulled her free and pushed her onto the mattress once more. Slowly, he laid his cool body over hers and in one smooth stroke impaled her to the core. She gasped as his mouth found hers. Their tongues dueled as he began to move inside her. Their bodies moved in rhythm as he pulled out to her clitoris and ground his shaft hard against it until she whimpered in need of something stronger. With each stroke, he went deeper looking for that one spot that would send them over the edge into oblivion. The heat in his groin was intense as the vampire surged forth, demanding his due to push them both over the edge. "Nick!" Her body began to contract around his and he was lost to the feel of it. Each contraction made him want more and he pushed further inside her, yet the vampire would not release him. Pain shot through his groin and he cried out in frustration as he pounded her body with his. Pure pleasure as she never felt before coursed through her veins and she wanted to share it with him. She wanted him to feel and be a part of it with her. She opened her eyes to the red eyes of the vampire and she was unafraid. The pain washed across his features as she pulled him to her neck and offered it freely. Nick, lost to the feel of her underneath and around him, could not refuse what was offered. His hard cock slammed into her again as he planted his fangs deep within her neck. With the first drop of her blood he exploded inside her. Lust, love, warmth, passion, need all rolled into one swept through him and she began to contract around his shaft once more. He drank deeper and the feelings between became one of total emotion based on something more than lust. He tried to pull away but she refused to let him, pulling his head back to her neck. He drank deeper until there was not two, but only one as it was meant to be. Images flashed in her mind as she learned so much more of this complex man that she loved. Images of his life with LaCroix and Janette, Alyssa's death in his arms, fear of losing her love to another man, the pain of denial in the name of her protection flooded her mind. In turn he saw and felt every nuance of her life. The loss of her family, the cost of her career and the need for his love. She had no doubts or regrets as long as he loved her for herself. He broke free and stared into her bright loving face. He placed both hands around her face then kissed her softly. "I will love you forever, Natalie. Look into my eyes and my heart and know that I speak the truth. You are my heart and soul and I'm not whole without you. Never doubt it!" He rested his forehead on hers and said a silent prayer. "I lied to LaCroix that night and to myself. I thought if I loved you I had to let you go, that it was the best thing for you...but I was wrong. Forgive me for being so stupid, for almost throwing away the only truly beautiful thing in my life." A tear slipped out of her eye and he wiped it away gently with his thumb as their bodies lay united. "I know now that it would have destroyed us both. You are my destiny and I will die before ever leaving your side. Just love me!" His lips claimed hers as he buried his semi-hard shaft deep within her thighs once more. She felt him grow harder and pulled away slightly only to push back onto his stiffening shaft and impale herself once again. He gasped in pleasure and sought the warmth inside her mouth with every stroke of his tongue. She rotated her pelvis for better friction and he grew rock solid inside her. Groaning in appreciation, she broke away from his lips. He rocked further inside her until he found her g-spot and pure electricity shot through her entire body. "Love me again, Nick as I love you." She panted. "Lose yourself inside me and make me one with you." He obliged by moving inside her until she squirmed in frustration and ground her hips on to his. "I will never stop loving you, but if you don't bring me again, I may have to roll you over and rape you." She gasped between strokes. Nick smiled and flipped them over. "Your wish is granted." His eyes glowed brightly once more and she began to ride him into paradise. Part 6 Graham and Pithius watched the loft windows closely and listened. Reaching out with their senses, they both smiled at the same time. Pithius turned to his friend and brother and finally reached over to touch his arm. "I know it is hard, Graham, but it is as it should be. In time, maybe she will come to us as well. Only the Guardian knows for sure. If she is to be his guide and his destiny, you cannot sway her heart no matter how much you wish it." Pithius stared at his friend as Graham watched the lights finally dim and disappear into the darkness of the night. "She was not meant for me. I knew that this afternoon. Her heart belongs to him and has for quite some time. I will not question destiny, my brother. I'm only glad she choose to follow her heart." Graham smiled sadly, then turned determined brown eyes at his friend and partner. "Only one test remains." Pithius nodded and they disappeared. -------------- The young man paced the floor inside his cell. Bond had not been posted and he was becoming worried. He stared at the clock on the wall and cursed loudly. He'd never spent more than 12 hours in jail and he wouldn't this time either. He would make sure the cop was silent, then finish the job he was hired to do. Manuel watched the guard do the cell-check and waited for the proper moment. Fifteen minutes later he walked out of the precinct wearing the guard's uniform. ------------- Nat lay cuddled in Nick's arms. They'd made love a half dozen times, each time more erotic and more satisfying than the last. She ran her hands down his bare chest. He rolled over and wrapped his arms around her protectively. "If you don't stop that, neither one of us will get in to work tonight." He kissed her ear softly and spooned her body into his. She could feel his erection growing as he talked. "Is that a promise?" She whispered as he nuzzled her neck. Nick needed less blood each time they made love as the man gained more control over the vampire. He ground his hips into hers, while he let his hard shaft caress her backside and she moaned in appreciation. The phone rang and Nick groaned in disapproval. Natalie laughed and picked up the receiver. "Hello." She chuckled in a muffled voice as Nick nibbled her ear. "Natalie?" Cohen's voice sounded surprised, but she recovered quickly. "I don't even want to know why you are answering Knight's phone, but you saved me a call. I need you both here at the precinct. Manuel Carlene killed a guard and escaped less than 15 minutes ago. He'll go after Nick and probably everyone in your building to cover his tracks. I want you and Nick in protective custody until he's found." "I understand, Captain. I'll tell him. We'll be right in." Nat, more than a little upset, placed the receiver on the hook. "We'd better hurry. That was her no-nonsense tone and she won't take kindly to us being tardy." Nick stood and offered his hand to the woman who possessed his heart. "I've got to make a few phone calls and get a food supply arranged or we all could be in trouble. You take the shower first." He kissed her softly and reached for his robe before heading downstairs. "I should have expected this." Nick sighed in frustration. Within thirty minutes, they were heading for the car. Nick heard the noise as soon as the garage door lifted. Years at war made him recognize the sound instantly and he threw himself over the car to protect Nat. The missile missed her only by inches as they tumbled to the garage floor. The impact on the wall exploded the entire back of the warehouse. Nick jerked her to her feet and they ran for the entrance. Two figures across the street hurried toward them. The bright light that flashed was aimed at Nat. Nick threw himself in front of it a split second before it reached its target. A scream of agony tore from his lips as they hit the ground together. "Nick!" She rolled him over as the white light continued to glow and burn into his chest. "Oh, my God! What is it? Nick!" She frantically tried to pull his clothes off to stop the progress of the fire. "Nat!" Nick screamed in pain as the energy shot through his body and he fought for control. He had to get her out of here. "Run, Nat! Get out of here!" He tried to push her hands away and stand, but the pain was growing in intensity and he collapsed to his knees. He clutched his chest as the pain erupted into tiny needles of electricity burning its way through his blood. The vampire flared to life in the need of self-preservation and anger. He tried to move as the shadows drew near, but fell forwards instead as the electricity flared into a burning heat when the figures approached. He'd felt this before. He searched his perfect memory for a time, only he couldn't grasp it. It was like a feather touching his mind with deja vu, but he couldn't grasp the image and the pain increased. They came closer and fear clutched his heart. Natalie held his body to keep the earth from claiming him as his worst nightmare unfolded before his eyes. With sheer will, he pushed to his feet and covered her body with his. "He protects her still as he fights the power of the light. Most interesting." Graham's mellow voice floated through the air. "Graham?" Natalie pushed from behind Nick to verify what she already knew to be true. Nick tried to stop her, but the effort cost him. Natalie caught him as the scream tore from his lips and he dropped to his knees in agony once again. Graham reached to help, but she slapped his arm away. "You've done enough." Her angry eyes glared into his. "What have you done to him? What are you?" "You will not leave him?" Graham asked calmly as Pithius came to his side. Nick panted and fought the fire within him, but couldn't stop the progression. His life was being sucked into the light. "Run, Natalie. Get out of here. I don't want you to...." "I'm not going anywhere, Nick." She turned and glared at Graham. "And neither are you. What ever you did to him? Undo it!" Her anger was obvious, as well as the fear. Graham knelt down beside them as another wave of pain tore through Nick's body. He screamed in agony as his body doubled over in pain. "Please, Graham ... help him. He hasn't done anything but help people since the day I met him. He's not like the others." She reached over and grabbed Graham's hand. "I beg you, Graham. Whatever you want, I'll give it to you." Tears ran freely down her face as the man she loved hovered on the brink of death. "You would die for him, Natalie?" Graham wiped the tears from her cheeks with compassion. "You would give up your life to save the life of one of the undead, a creature of the night, who lives off the blood of others?" "Yes, because the evil doesn't control him anymore. It did once, but not now. The good in him in stronger than the evil and he can do more for mankind than I can. Take my life if you must have a life, but let him live." She tried to move away from Nick's side, but Nick grabbed her arm in distress. "No!" He growled. "I will not trade your life for mine...." The intensity of the pain was causing him to fade, but he would not trade one more life for his own. He moaned and tried to rise, but failed. Graham smiled and placed a hand over Nick's chest and the pain eased so he could breathe. "I can only slow the process, not stop it, Nicholas Knight. I have never seen one strong enough to stay awake through the change. You are one of us, Nicholas de Brabant Knight. Just as it was foretold. Your willingness to fight the evil within you was brought to our attention and we have watched you closely for centuries. It is rare to be chosen at such a young age, but the Guardian is correct. You possess the strength and the will to come back to the light as our kind was always meant to do." He smiled at Nat. "You have fought the evil and won by learning to love again. The final test of self- sacrifice for Natalie will make you one with us." He looked to Nat for understanding and saw only confusion, then anger. "This was a test? You tried killing me to see if he would sacrifice himself for me and now you know he is good and not evil!" Anger raged through her. "What kind of guardian of good or light causes this much pain? What right do you have to make him into something without his permission? You are no better than LaCroix! You talked about truth to me earlier this evening. Why not be truthful now? Give him a choice in his life. What right does anyone have to choose for another in this world?" Nick groaned as the energy within him began to build again and the pain started to return. "So he trades one master for another. That doesn't say much for your idea of good versus evil. Does it?" She clutched Nick's shoulders as he doubled over in pain once more. A great sadness washed over Graham's features realizing what they had done, just as he had done to Gabriel. Human beings must choose their course. Pithius came to their side and waited patiently. He felt the turmoil within his brother. "Nicholas was always meant to be one of us, Natalie. Several millenniums past, we were the true keepers of the light. It was our job to keep the truth from one generation to the next as directed by the Guardian. In order to maintain our immortality, the villagers donated blood. It was their duty and their religion. As time progressed, several of our brothers became bored with life and drained a villager by mistake. When he did, his powers increased 10 fold over his brethren, and the evil of death followed him. Many centuries later his children, governed by evil, split our society into two different factions. Over the centuries we have fought with each other, coming close to destroying both sides of the brotherhood. It is our destiny to find those that want to come back to the light and follow the eyes of truth. Nicholas has chosen by his behavior and his desire to right the wrongs of his evil past. He has much work left to do, but now the Guardian will shine with favor on him in the name of justice. It takes many thousands of years to repay the debts of our brethren and stop the evil from spreading. He can still choose not to come into the light, but the world will suffer. Humanity will suffer." Pithius looked at Nick to see if he understood. "You may choose, Nicholas, to be mortal and die or be one of us and repay society for your sins and those who would destroy this world as we know it. The choice is yours, just as it always has been." Nat stared at the man she loved. He stood on the edge of the abyss with really only one choice to make. She had to let him go to the destiny that was always his. The sadness and loss of what they had so briefly crushed her heart and she couldn't breathe. To love and be loved, if only for a brief moment in time would have to be enough. She started to release him into Graham's care, but Nick's hand held her fast. "I said forever, Natalie. I can't do this alone. You are a part of me I can't live without. I have been looking for you all my life and I won't let you go now unless you have changed your mind and didn't mean what you said. I love you. Come with me ... be me friend, my partner, my love for all eternity. I would have no other than you." His pain-filled eyes locked with hers and prayed for her to answer yes. Could he do it without her? Did he want to? Natalie's eyes questioned Graham's, then Pithius. Was this possible? Could she come with him? "It is said if the love between you is true and your heart pure, you can walk together in the light. I do not know personally, nor have I ever seen it done. I have never been so gifted by the heart of a mortal to love me as I am." Pithius' voice softened with regret. "Tell me what to do." Nat whispered and placed Nick's hand in hers, then kissed it gently. "This is your wish as well, Nicholas?" Pithius waited and saw the love in his eyes. He would never leave her behind and it brought great joy to Pithius' spirit as he thought of the potential these two could have together. "You must drain her as you accept the light of the Guardian. If your love is true and your heart pure, then she will come into the light with you. If not, then you will both die here, tonight, in the shadow of the moon and the darkness of evil will claim your souls." Without hesitation, Nick pulled Natalie into his arms and planted his fangs deep within her neck. The sweet taste of her blood flooded his mind and the warmth of her love took all the pain away and he gave into the light. Part 7 Adult Pithius and Graham stood at the foot of the bed and watched the steady, even breathing of the lovers before them. They'd brought them back to the condo to start their new life together. Pithius watched his brother and friend of many thousand years and worried. Finally, Graham spoke as he stared at Nick's arm draped over Natalie's prone body lying next to him. They belonged together even in rest. "Did you see his face?" Graham whispered in awe even after it was over. "There was no doubt, no question, in either of them. How could they have been so sure?" Graham turned questioning eyes to his brother. "It is time to leave, Graham. Our job is finished and the rest is left up to them." Pithius said matter-of-factly, but knew his brother too well. "I must know. I can't leave until..." Graham stared at Nick intently, but never finished. "Then ask your question, my brother, for he awakens even now. Find your truth, but know you must live with the answer for eternity." Pithius turned and walked out the door as Nick began to stir. He heard voices. The warmth that surrounded him made him feel contented, but something of importance sat at the edges of his consciousness and he knew he must awaken. When he opened his eyes, the perpetual red haze of the vampire was gone. In its place was the clarity of a spring day, kissed by sunshine. The feeling made him sigh in contentment with images of what had long since passed, then his memory returned. Quickly he searched for Nat. "Nat? Nat?" His words seemed different, even to him. What had happened? She moaned beside him. Quickly, he checked her relaxed form lying next to him. Her heartbeat was strong and her breathing regular. Nick breathed a sigh of relief and lay his head upon hers as he said a prayer of thanks. "She has followed you into the light." Graham's soft words caught Nick's attention and he searched for the source. When he found Graham, a soft blue white light surrounded him for a moment, then disappeared. Nick rubbed his eyes in confusion. Graham walked closer and the light appeared once again. "Do not fear, Nicholas. It is the power of the light that the Guardian has granted me. Soon you will learn how to shut it out, if you so desire. Yours is much brighter than mine because your power is greater. Together with Natalie your aura will be almost pure white." Graham sat down on the edge of the bed and stared at Nick. "Tell me how you knew." He waited for Nick to explain, but saw only confusion. "Neither of you hesitated. There was no doubt." Finally, Nick understood. "Everyone deserves to be loved, Graham. She accepted all of me and made me feel what was in her heart. When I accepted her love as a part of me, I couldn't live without her. It would have destroyed both of us. You taught us that. She taught me to love unconditionally, so there could never have been any doubt." Nick watched Graham stare at Natalie as she stirred, and saw sadness. "She's an easy person to love. It would bother her to know she has hurt you." Graham smiled sadly, then stood. "It is a sweet pain that I shall always treasure. Maybe someday again I will be blessed with a love such as yours. We must go now, Nicholas. Our job is finished here and you both must find your own way to serve the Guardian, as is your destiny. Nothing has happened without reason and maybe now there is truly a chance that more of our brethren will join us." Graham headed for the door. "You would leave us alone with this power? What if we make a mistake?" Uncertainty etched itself into Nick's features. Graham smiled. "You are not alone, Nicholas. Natalie is with you and the light of truth. All else will be revealed to you in time. Your love and faith has brought you this far. Do not despair now. Each of you has been given a special gift...and in time you will learn how to use it. Treasure it, as you treasure each other and all will be as it should be." Graham began to shimmer as some mystical creature, then faded into the door and was gone. Natalie began to stir. Nick caressed her cheek slowly as she opened her eyes into the clarity of a new world. "Nick?" She whispered in awe as she sat up and stared at the room, taking in each subtle nuance of color and change. She could actually feel the flowers breathing in the vase. The air itself was electric with some unknown power she couldn't describe, then she turned to him. "It's beautiful...You're beautiful." She touched his skin and the electricity between them flared to life. Pleasure, power, warmth, love, passion all rolled into one passed between them with a single touch and she gasped at the intensity. Unable to resist the temptation of his lips, she kissed him. Intense power flooded the room as he pulled her into his arms and the light became a warmth that cradled them in a cocoon. He wanted more. She wanted more as he opened up to her. Her tongue fenced with his as her hands wove a magic spell over his body, filling him with a tingling sensation he'd never felt before. Quickly, he pulled her blouse over her head and let his fingers touch her bare skin. Passion flared to life as the electricity between them created a feeling of connection and need that only the other could fulfill. "Nick?" She broke the kiss to breathe and saw the images in his mind. "What is this?" She questioned in a whisper as she caressed his face with a feather-like touch. She could feel the lust and passion within, but images flashed so quickly she couldn't decipher them. His lips found hers again and a hunger she'd never felt before overwhelmed her. As his tongue tasted every inch of her, she knew what would satisfy the craving deep inside her. She relaxed into the warmth and light, causing the images to slow as the connection grew between them. His erection pressed against her thigh and she could see exactly what he wanted to do with it. She gasped in anticipation as the warmth flooded her body, bringing incredible pleasure and desire. Nick broke the kiss this time and gently held her face between his hands. "I need you, Natalie, beyond anything rational. I need to be a part of you, to love you, until we are one. Let me love you...all of you." His eyes searched hers and saw only love. She turned her head and offered him her neck. Slowly, he traced his thumb down her lovely neck and felt the pulse leap under his fingertips, but the vampire was subdued. There was something stronger in control and it required unity, along with love, to make them complete. "No! Be one with me in the light, not the darkness." With great tenderness, he pulled her wrist to his mouth and sliced it with his fangs, then his own. He clasped her hand in his and wrapped their wrists together for their blood to mingle as one. Light flashed brightly around them and they gasped in pleasure as the electricity flooded their bodies and joined them in something stronger than lust. His blood flowed into her veins as hers mixed with his. A great peace overcame them and Nick knew for the first time what true happiness was. "I love you, Natalie, now and forever." His lips touched hers softly at first, then more forcefully as he lay her gently back on the bed. Her hands wove magic in his hair and she was lost to the feel of his body and lips. Each touch was magic, each kiss a promise and she returned them with fervor. His lips trailed down her neck as he removed the rest of her clothes with one hand, never breaking the blood bond between them until she lay naked before him. He stood only long enough to shed his own. He lowered his body onto hers and joined their bleeding wrists once more as he slid his hard cock into her willing body. With a slow and deliberate motion he rocked his stiff member inside her, creating such delicious friction she thought she would go mad with need. Each stroke brought forth the warmth and love his blood mirrored in her body and soul. She pushed onto him with great fervor, each time planting him deeper inside her. The heat in her groin grew with each movement until he rocked the tip of his cock against her cervix and her body knew what it craved most. The sweet pain became an erotic pleasure, filled with want and need to recreate the love they shared. Was it the images from his mind or hers that danced behind her eyelids? He sensed her need and increased the pace as she started to plunge into the abyss of sheer pleasure. "Nick...come with me. I need..." What was happening? He couldn't get deep enough inside her. Each stroke made him want her more, with a greater passion than before. Her blood bathed him in love, laced with a need of something he couldn't touch. The heat within his groin grew in intensity, craving a union with her that would release them both. He plunged deeper until he touched her center. She gasped in pain, then rocked harder onto him until the sensations of fire and electricity turned into something he'd only dreamed about. He ground the tip of his hard penis into her womb until her cervix contracted. Every fiber of his being could feel hers as the need to make her pregnant with his child overwhelmed him. She screamed his name in release and he was lost. The vampire craved her blood still, but the man was obsessed with loving the woman until she gave them both what they wanted. Her body began to contract around him and he ground his pelvis into hers to get as close as physically possible. He fought the desire to pull out and plunge back into her. Instead, he planted his fangs into her neck and drank in her love with each drop of her blood. The child danced in front of his eyes and his bodily needs took control. Pulling out of her, until the tip of his cock caressed her clitoris, he used his hand to rub the hard tip against her. She whimpered in protest and he plunged back hard inside her. He tilted his hips for better access and she responded by wrapping her legs around his waist. His hands found her breasts and kneaded them into hard nubs as his body pounded hers. She began to contract around him. "Nick...please...come to me...give me your child...our child." She panted between strokes as the white lights behind her eyes burst into a kaleidoscope of colors. He rode her orgasm and stroked her again. Taking her head between his hands, he made her watch his eyes. "Feel me, Natalie. Feel us together." Each stroke brought him closer to his release. She held his hands and gave in to the feel of him. She met him with every stroke, until he screamed her name in release and exploded inside her. His seed pumped deep within her as they united in body and soul with a silent prayer. ------------ Pithius and Graham stood on the sidewalk below their condominium and stared at the window above them, where the two lovers lay. Graham watched him intently, but never spoke. "They have great power together." Pithius said reverently, as he watched the light play behind the window. Graham watched the window and saw nothing, but he knew of Pithius' talent for seeing the future. "You knew all along they were meant to be together." He said calmly. Never turning to face his brother, he continued. "Why did you not tell me? Why let me start to lose my heart to her?" A great sadness overwhelmed Graham, but he would not question his brother's motives, or those of the Guardian. "She needed you, my brother, to face the truth within herself. Just as Nicholas needed her to make him strong enough to accept his destiny. Your good heart and the pain you had already experienced were the only things capable of making her accept the possibilities." Pithius turned to his brother and smiled. "I am sorry, Graham, but you too, will benefit from the love you found in her. All things in good time." The air a few feet in front of them began to shimmer, then sparkle and swirl. "The Guardian awaits us." Pithius turned as the light inside the portal began to clear. Graham nodded and they both stepped through the portal together. Only silence remained as the light faded into the darkness. Part 8 ------------ Schanke drove the caddy into the parking lot and ran into the precinct. "Captain!" He shouted as he headed for her office. "Calm down, Schanke, and tell me what you found." Cohen waited patiently, even though her face showed the worry. "Nick's place has the back wall blown clean away. There's no sign of either one of them, but the caddy was still in the garage with the doors open. It's like they were starting to get in and something stopped them." Schanke shook his head in disbelief. He wrung his hands as he spoke and paced the floor. "It was like a missile or something that took out the back of the warehouse. We searched the neighborhood for bodies or blood, but nada...nothing. No one saw or heard anything. People are such gutless cowards." He slammed his fist on the wall in frustration. "It's worse!" Cohen starred into his worried eyes. "They picked up Manuel 15 minutes ago trying to rob a hardware store. The rest of his gang got away with enough material to make 10 homemade bombs, let alone the weapons they stole earlier in the evening." "Where is he?" Schank growled. "If he's hurt Nick and Nat, I'll..." Cohen put a hand on his shoulder. "Remember you are a member of the legal system, Detective. If you can't interrogate him without personal interference, I'll get someone..." "I'll keep my temper, Captain, but I'm finding Nick and Nat one way or another." Schanke turned and headed for the interrogation room. ----------- Schanke took 10 deep breaths before he entered the room. Once he felt he had control, he sat down and locked angry eyes with Manuel. "You want to tell me just what you thought you were going to do with the arsenal?" "You're wasting your time, Cop. I ain't telling you nothing. I want my lawyer and I want him now." Manuel smirked. Schanke lost it. He lunged across the table and grabbed Manuel by the shirt collar. "Listen, you little piece of slime. I want to know where my partner is and if you don't tell me, I'm going to make sure the boys in the back know just what a little bastard you are. I'm going to tell them about your preference for inanimate objects over warm flesh, then I'm going to tell them about the kids in the building that you killed...If that isn't enough, I'm going to make sure they know you like little boys better than girls." He slammed him down in the chair just as the door opened. ------------ Nick rested his forehead on hers, putting most of his weight on his elbows as their bodies lay spent in passion. "I want our child too, Nick." She whispered to him. "It's a piece of you I can't ever lose." Startled at her knowing what was going through his mind, he asked, "Am I that transparent?" She caressed his face, then kissed him softly. "I love you and always have. You make me feel whole for the first time in my life and nothing would make me happier than to have your baby." She smiled as she caressed his soft skin. "... And when you made love to me I could see our son." She thought for a moment. "Actually, I saw lots of images." She looked at him with more questions than answers. "What gift?" She said. "What did you say?" Nick looked at her surprised. "You said it might be my gift?" "Nat, I never said anything. I thought it, but I didn't say it." "Think something again," she gasped. He smiled mischievously and caressed her breast gently, until it hardened. "No fair." She moaned under his touch. "I don't have to read minds to know you want to make me have another orgasm so you can see the colors again." Nick jerked his head up suddenly. "Nat? That's exactly what I was thinking." She smiled and moved on his semi-hard shaft until he groaned. Placing his hands on her shoulders," he continued, "No, Nat. Those were my exact thoughts...exact." Nat stared at him in disbelief. "Think something really off the wall." She gasped, indignantly. "I love that fuzzy pink robe!" Nick smiled. "I think we know what your gift is. And I think this could be embarrassing." Nick blushed for the first time. Nat laughed. "You look good in red. I've never seen you blush. This is going to take some getting use to." Natalie's pager buzzed once again. She'd had it on vibrate. Somehow it had managed to work it's way out of her clothes onto the hard floor. The noise was very distinctive. "I think we're being paged." "Mind reader!" Nick smiled, pulled himself free from her reluctantly and offered her his hand. "I think we are missed!" ----------- Nick stepped into the interrogation room just as Schanke released Manuel's collar. "Well, I see your interrogation techniques have not improved." Schanke turned to face the familiar voice. Relief spread across his face and Nick picked it up immediately. "We're both fine, Schank." Nick walked over and sat down in the chair opposite Manuel. Manuel jerked back as if Nick had slapped him. He turned pleading eyes to Schanke. "You're not leaving me in here with him? He's not human. He's a monster. Please..." Nick leaned across the table and smiled evilly. "And here you haven't even seen me really ticked off. Trust me when I's not pretty." Nat stormed into the room and attacked Manuel. "You son-of-a- bitch!" She screamed as she slammed her fist into his face. Nick grabbed her quickly to keep her from pummeling him again. "Nat?" She twisted in his arms trying to get to the little piece of filth. "You don't understand, Nick. He's planning on killing all of them. His buddies know the location of the safe-house. They are going to kill everyone in the building to try and get to me." She turned to Nick in surprise. "I can hear..." Nick placed a finger over her lips to silence her in front of the two-way mirror. She understood and calmed down. "They are planning on blowing it up. They were trying to cover up the fact that they were hired to kill me." Nick's eyes flashed gold and knew the answer before he asked. "Who?" He held her tightly in his grasp, then released her abruptly when she answered with her eyes. He bolted for the door. She ran after him. "Nick!" Schanke yelled as he took off after them. "Take my car, Schank! I'll meet you there." Nat caught him as he pushed the door open. "Not without me, Buster!" She stated as he closed the door. "Nat, this is police..." "We're a team now. So get used to it. Besides you never know when my gift might come in handy." She smiled coyly. She was right and he knew it, even though his male pride might suffer. She might be able to know ahead of time. He scooped her up into his arms and they took to the air. ----------- They landed in front of the safe house. It was a remodeled warehouse the police used when they had large numbers of people to protect. It was not a very desirable neighborhood. Nick thought it ironic to protect people so close to one of the largest vampire areas in the city. They were only 2 blocks from the Raven. He placed Nat's feet on the ground carefully. She kissed his cheek in appreciation, but he was all business. Detective Knight, protector of the innocent, was in charge...not Nick Knight. She smiled and accepted the change. Nick searched the area with all his senses. "You stay over here and let me know as soon as you can hear anything. Push out with your mind. I would bet you can hear the thoughts further away if you concentrate." He turned her to face him and she stared into worried blue eyes. "No, chances. I'm the cop. You're just my advance signal. Understood?" He didn't have time to worry about her if he was to stop them before they killed anyone else with LaCroix's idea of revenge. "I promise!" She smiled, then kissed him quickly. "Thanks for worrying. Now go do your job!" She heard the voices arguing, then laughing. "Light them! We are just around the corner. We don't want to have to wait. No witnesses, then Manuel's out and we get paid!" "Nick!" Natalie screamed. He was at her side instantly. "They're coming around the corner. "Behind that tree!" Nick pointed to the large oak 20 feet from the building. She took off at a run. He flew into the middle of the street, planted his feet in a shooter's stance and drew his 9 millimeter. The tires squealed as they turned the corner. Bottles filled with gasoline and rags were extended from the window. His first shot ruptured the bottle in the boy's hand, sticking out of the back window. It exploded into a burning ball of flame, but the car was already beyond harm. The next shot went into the windshield as Nick unloaded his full clip. The car swerved and the homemade bombs were lost on the pavement. The car careened into a parked car with the sound of metal crushing metal, but the car never stopped. They turned the corner and increased speed once more. Nick jammed another clip into his gun and took to the air. Placing himself in front of the car again, as it rounded the corner, he unloaded the clip for the second time. Screams of anger and guns appeared out the window and blazed to life. The bullets passed through him harmlessly, but the car continued on. Nick raised his hand in the last minute for protection and the light appeared. Instead of leaping into the air, he pushed into the light. A blinding ball of white light surrounded him as the car hurtled forward toward his vulnerable form in the middle of the street. Nick could see the fear in the boy's face as he hit the wall of light and lost control of the car. It swerved to the right and smashed into the building, crushing the door, windows and supports. Nick headed for the car, but it exploded seconds later, erupting into a gigantic ball of flame. He noticed the shadows of several vampires pour out of the back of the building. He turned to face his father, who stood in the shadows. The Raven began to catch on fire, floor by floor, as Nick felt LaCroix control the anger bubbling inside him. Natalie appeared by Nick's side and LaCroix's anger turned to something almost palpable, yet he did not move out of the shadows. For the first time in 800 years, Nick felt fear from the ancient vampire. Finally, he understood. LaCroix had been waiting...expecting, a different ending than what had just transpired. It seemed ironic. His plan of revenge for Natalie's demise would cost him dearly. "It would appear, LaCroix...there is universal justice after all." Realizing what gift the Guardian had given him, Nick called the light once more. He let the warmth caress his body and fill him with a power that brought great peace to anyone willing to accept it. LaCroix gasped and stepped back further into the shadows. It all finally made sense. He understood for the first time in 800 years...with power, there came responsibility. He would seek others who sought justice through truth and put fear into those of his kind that followed the darkness. Maybe in time, they would all walk in the light and rejoin humanity. Nick stared into his father's evil eyes and smiled knowingly. "Never doubt there is a price for evil that must be paid. The game has now changed. Be warned, LaCroix...the eyes of truth are NOW watching YOU!" The End Author's Note: Okay, I confess. I've been listening to Enigma's 'The Cross' wayyyyyy too much. So shoot me! I feel better now. All Comments to: StormyNite**** **NN Packer to the End ** Hopelessly Hopeful Romantic** **Light Cousin***MadNatter*** X-File DieHard***Xenite**GWDFC** ******Only Love is Forever and Death Shall Have No Dominion******* > FK SciFi Window > StormyNite Fiction